Chapter 8

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I hung up the phone and twirled "busted" Harry sang from my doorway I stumbled "why are you talking about" I asked giggling nervously "puhlease. Twirling. Blushing. Got a hot date" he asked I giggled "as a matter of fact. I do" I said he face palmed. I laughed and hugged him. I went to my bedroom ad out on some pjs. Plain black Sweats with a white sports bra. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in a ponytail. I walked back out to find Harry waiting in my lounge area "I'm going to get food. Lego" I said walking past him he jumped up and tried to tell me something but I ignored him. I got to the kitchen to find the rest of One Direction in the kitchen "HARRY EDWARD STYLES! YOU LET ME COME DOWNSTAIRS LIKE THIS" I yelled. He held back a laugh and nodded. I was so gonna kill him "I tried to warn you I really did. Honest" he said choking back a laugh "mhmm. Sure. Whatever. Im too lazy to go bak upstairs" I said shrugging. The rest of the boys just stood there frozen. It was awkward "sooo. Whatcha doin" I asked awkwardly Liam snapped out of the little trance he was in along with Zayn but Niall along with Louis was kinda still frozen. Zayn smacked them both in the faces "Oi! Quit starin at er" he said. I couldn't help but laugh. I went to get some food "are you hungry love" Louis asked me I nodded "go sit down. I'll getcha somethin" he said "oh. Ok thanks" I walked over to a stool beside Zayn and sat down Louis turned to Harry "Jo's hungry. Cook" he said I laughed "why don't you cook Louis" I said he shook his head "no good. I burn stuff. Not the food. The things around it" he said with a serious face "well then" I said. So Harry made me an omelette and handed it to Louis who handed it to me. I just giggled. It was like midnight "why are you guys here" I asked "tomorrow's the rehearsal dinner and we're helping to set stuff up" Liam explained I nodded as I ate. Then Harry piped up "Jo has a hot lunch date" he said. I choked on my omelette "you ass" I said. All the guys started making jokes except Louis "oh. Really. Who with" he asked "Reid" I said quietly he just nodded "oh. I didn't know that those kinds of guys were your type" he said I shrugged "I don't really have a type. If I like you I like you. I dunno" when I said that he smiled a bit "so. Who has girlfriends" I asked Louis Zayn and Liam put up their hands "woah woah woah. woah. Niall James Horan is a single Pringle. I CALL DIBS" I said he blushed "awe. You're so cute" I said pinching his cheek "ok that's enough you little pest" he said brushing away my hand "ok so big brother number two. How many of you are gonna treat me like a little sister" I asked they all raised their hands "good to know. Good to know" I said evilly. Then I laughed and walked away

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