Chapter 36

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We got to the restaurant and sat down. It was really nice but Louis asked for two extra seats. I guess Liam and Niall are joining us later. While we were sitting there we heard that noise. That teen girl whisper yelling. You know what I mean? The boys started looking around and I started to freak out. But the noise was moving away. I looked outside and saw two of the most gorgeous human beings ever. Then they walked towards us and sat at our table "hey lads. How ya doin" one asked. They all smiled and started talking. I just sat there. Starstruck. Louis leaned over "love. You alright" he asked. I just nodded my head. Then HARRY looked at me with a huge smile on his face "something wrong Josephine?" He asked slyly. I just looked at him "what do you mean Harold" I asked through gritted teeth. It was the first thing I had said since Ashton and Calum sat down at our table. And yes I mean Ashton Irwin and Calum fucking Hood. They were sitting at our table. Then again I was sitting with 3/5 of One Direction. Holy shit I have a great life "so you're the horrible bitch that Harry can't stand?" Ashton asked me. I smiled and nodded "in the flesh" I mocked "you don't look like you can't stand her" Calum stated towards Harry. He smiled "she's more like a fungus. She grows on you" he said. I smiled "thaanks. Wonderful words from my loving and caring older brother" I said sarcastically. He smiled "you're welcome." We all laughed and finished our dinner. While we ate I explained the plot of the ballet to them
"While hunting, Prince Siegfried sees an amazing swan. As he takes aim to shoot, the swan turns into a beautiful woman. The woman, Odette , tells the prince that she is a princess who has come under the spell of an evil sorcerer. During the day she must be a swan and swim in a lake of tears. At night she is allowed to be a human again. The spell can only be broken if a a virgin prince swears eternal fidelity to her. She tells Prince Siegfried, who happens to be a virgin prince, that if he refuses her she must remain a swan forever. Prince Siegfried falls madly in love with Odette. However, through a spell by the evil sorcerer, he accidentally proposes to another woman at a party, believing that the woman is really Odette. Princess Odette feels doomed. She threatens to kill herself and throws herself into the lake. The Prince feels terribly sorry and throws himself into the lake with her. In an incredibly touching moment, the two are transformed into lovers in the afterlife." I explained. They all just stared at me "what!" I shouted. They just shook their heads exhale rated
then we all headed to the Opera house to meet up with Niall and Liam to watch Swan Lake. The National Academy of Dance was performing it and one of my friends from when I lived in Liverpool was performing it with them. I couldn't wait to see him and introduce him to Harry, Louis and the boys. Ben and I had been talking about it and he thought that Louis might get jealous of our friendship. I told him he was crazy but now that I thought about it I was getting kind of worried that Lou might think Matt and I were more than just friends especially after that one incident.

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