Chapter 15

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Harry grumbled insults towards me as he walked away. I cried harder into Louis's chest

Louis rubbed my back and tried to comfort me. All I could think about was what Harry had said. It just kept replaying in my head. He thought I was skanky. And a bitch. I cried harder "it's not true. None if it is true love. You are a very beautiful, very kind, sweet, and caring girl. Harry's an idiot for thinking otherwise" he said pressing a kiss to my hair. I looked up at him "do you actually believe that" I asked quietly. He nodded then he kissed me. I melted into Louis. As cheesy as it sounds. Having his arms around me. Our bodies touching. Our lips moving together In sync. How could I not melt into him. We walked downstairs to find the rest if the boys (minus Harry) sitting with Gemma and talking I walked over to Gemma and hugged her "I'm sorry" I whispered into her hair. She hugged me back "I'm sorry to" she said. We had a few tears but Gemma and I were fine. The boys decided to leave. Louis kissed my forehead and walked out the door. Gemma an I went to Harry's room. She walked in and tried to rationalise with him but he was intent on hating me for the rest of his life. I was still furious with my dad but I couldn't be mad at Anne. I called her on her cell phone and apologised for my behaviour and so on. Then before I went to say goodbye she asked if I wanted to speak with my dad. I declined. Said goodbye. And hung up

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