Chapter 42

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After I introduced Ariel to dad and Anne we got dinner started and sat around the table. Ariel was telling stories about Matt and Australia. I decided at 8 that it was time for Ariel to go to sleep. We headed upstairs and she laid down in my bed and closed her eyes "I love you mummy" she said groggily. I smiled and kissed her forehead "I love you to sweetheart" I got up and headed back downstairs, Gemma intercepted me before I reached the second staircase "hey. What's up" I asked. She looked at me "you need to call Louis before you do anything else" she said. I looked at her, confused "ok... What for" I asked "just call him. Right now" she said. I was so confused. But I pulled out my phone and called Louis. It went straight to voicemail so I tried harry instead. He answered on the second ring "HEY!!! How's it goin" he asked enthusiastically "Gemma told me I had to call Louis. But when I did it went straight to voicemail. Can I talk to him" I asked. Harry was silent on the other end for a second "uhm. Yea. One sec. Remember how much I love you" he said as he handed Louis the phone. I was so confused. Then I heard his voice "hey Jo. How is everything" he asked "good. I told dad and Anne about Ariel, they seemed a little confused as to why Harry was more upset then you were but I think they understand. I called your phone but it went straight to voicemail" I said "it's dead" he said flatly "oh. Ok. Well Gemma just told me I needed to call you. I don't know why but I figured if you needed to tell me something you'd tell me right" silence "I mean like you would tell me, wouldn't you" I asked slightly panicking "of course I would. Listen. I love you but I have to go. Love you" he said quickly "I love you to. Can you put harry back on please. Thanks" Louis handed Harry the phone and they exchanged some words. But I couldn't hear them very clearly "Heyy Jo" Harry said "what's going on Harry" I asked sitting down on the floor "what do you mean" he asked. Playing dumb "I know something's up. But he didn't tell me anything" I said. I heard Harry sigh "this has to do with why he wasn't upset about Ariel. Doesn't it" I asked "well...""doesn't it" I said. Cutting him off "yes. But I can't tell you. He has to. And I'm really sorry but I have to go onstage. No matter what happens I love you Jo. I love you" he said "I love you to" I whispered into the phone. Time to find out what's going on

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