Chapter 10

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Camila gets out of her mother's car after saying goodbye. Once she gets out Normani and Ally wait for her. Camila's eyes spot them and she smiles brightly.

"Lolo's friends!" Camila smiles hugging both girls.

The girls hug her back and laugh.
"Yeah Lolo's friends," They say.

Camila pulls away and smiles. "Names?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Normani." She tucks a loose strand of hair that was on Camila's face, behind her ear.

"I'm Ally sweetheart," Ally smiles sweetly.

"Cheerleader!" Camila nods, proud.

"Yes honey, cheerleader!" Ally giggles.

"Morning girls!" Camila turns around to the voice approaching and jumps up and down.

"Candy!" She smiles.

"Hi, Camila!" Andrew smiles. "Speaking of candy," the boy remembers and opens his bag. He takes out the bag of candy and hands it to Camila.

"Candy!" Camila's eyes light up.

Normani checks her watch and grabs Camila by the arm, carefully. "We best get to class," She says to Andrew.

"See you, girls!" He smiles.

Camila goes on her tippy toes and kisses Andrew on the cheek. "Thank you, Andrew!" She smiles.

The boy blushes and nods, "You're welcome Camila."

Normani turns Ally around, "This is bad."

"I agree," Ally whispers. "For Lauren, it was like they never broke up but Camila doesn't remember they have a thing still."

"That's the bad part, what should we tell Laur?" Normani asks, obviously very anxious about what the green-eyed girl will say.

"I'll call her later," Ally soothes the dark-skinned girl.

Ally turns back around to see Camila isn't there anymore. "Where's Camila?" Ally asks.

She sees that everyone has already gone inside the college so she mostly followed everyone else. Normani and Ally pick it up on their feet and go inside the college.

They search everywhere and see that the hallways are almost empty. 

"We have to find her Lauren is trusting us!" Normani panics.

Ally touches Normani's arm. She gives her a comforting smile, "Andrew probably took her to class."

"Hopefully," Normani says.


Camila walks out of her class and sees Andrew waiting for her. Camila smiles at Andrew and kisses his cheek. "Hi, Andrew!" Camila says.

Andrew leans down and kisses Camila's cheek. "Hi, beautiful!" Andrew smiles.

Once they get out to the football field they both part ways. Camila walks to her cheerleading coach and smiles. "Hi, coach!" She chirps.

The coach hugs Camila, "Hi Camila!"

The cheerleaders form up and start practicing. Camila learns step by step and once they are done she waits on the bleachers. Andrew comes over and smiles.

He sits down next to Camila and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're quiet Camila," Andrew whispers.

Camila looks at Andrew and smiles. "I'm just remembering some things," Camila whispers.

"Like what?" Andrew asks.

"That I was a cheerleader and I'm popular," Camila says.

"Anything else?" Andrew asks.

Camila shakes her head and frowns.

Andrew lifts her chin up and smiles. "You'll remember " Andrew whispers.

Camila cups Andrews cheek and smiles. She presses her lips with Andrew's and the boy's eyes widen.

Andrew kisses her back and Camila giggles. Andrew pulls away and rests his forehead with Camila's.


Lauren stops behind the bleachers when she sees that Camila kissed Andrew. Lauren feels the pain in her heart but sighs. She can't let this get through her because for Camila both girls aren't dating and Lauren has to accept that too.

She hears Ally call Camila and Lauren hears that Camila's lips smack with Andrew's. She closes her eyes then opens them back up. Lauren gets up and gets out from under the bleachers.

She walks over to Ally and smiles. "Hi, Alz! Hi Camzi!" Lauren kisses both girls cheeks.

Ally grips Lauren's arm lightly and leads her a couple feet away from Camila. "I need to tell you something," Ally whispers.

"Is it about that Camila kissed Andrew?" Lauren frowns.

"How did you know?" Ally asks.

"I came to pick her up and I saw her kiss him," Lauren whispers.

"Yeah well, I'm sorry Lauren," Ally whispers.

"It's okay Alz this is going to be the problem of me not being able to tell Camz about us," Lauren frowns, "No matter how much I want to."

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