Chapter 3

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Camila moves around her room, taking glances every once in a while at the window. Camila sits down on her bed pouting. Camila's mom walks in and frowns at her daughter.

"What's wrong hija?" Sinu asks sitting down next to her daughter.

"Wh.. Where's Lauren?" Camila frowns.

"She'll be here in a bit hija," Sinu rubs her back.

They hear a knock on the door and Camila jumps up. "It's her mama!" Camila jumps up and down.

Sinu smiles and walks out, disappearing. Couple minutes later Sinu and Lauren appear at the doorway.

"Lolo!" Camila smiles. She jumps up koala hugging her.

Lauren is taking by surprise but wraps her arms around Camila.

"Well," Sinu speaks up, "I'm going out tonight with Alejandro."

Lauren looks at Sinu, "So I'm hanging out with Camila tonight?"

"Yayy!" Camila cheers.

Sinu smiles, "Yes Lauren you are."

Camila rests her cheek on Lauren's, smiling. Sinu smiles and waves at Lauren. Before she could leave Camila jumps off of Lauren and hugs her mother.

"Bye, mama!" Camila says. Her mother hugs her back and pulls away.

Once Sinu leaves, Lauren turns to Camila. "What do you wanna do?" Lauren asks. Of course, when this happened Lauren knew exactly what to do with Camila. Bake cookies, make a mess, watch movies, then clean the mess up they caused from throwing the flower everywhere and the eggs.

Camila thinks and frowns not figuring out anything. "I don't know," She pouts.

Lauren smiles and caresses Camila's arms. "Okay first here," She says going to the duffle bag and taking out Camila's pajamas. She hands them to her and Camila's small hands touch the comfortable fabric.

"Where do I change?" Camila asks.

"Do you want me to step out?" Lauren asks.

Camila thinks about it and shakes her head. "I can change here!" She smiles. Camila lifts her shirt up but gets it stuck.

Lauren smiles and her eyes scan Camila's body. Although she's not allowed to act like Camila's girlfriend, they technically haven't broken up.

"Lolo help!" Camila whines.

Lauren comes over and helps take off Camila's shirt. Once off, Lauren smiles dropping the shirt. Camila smiles and Lauren meets eyes with her. Faces inches apart, breathes hitting, Lauren couldn't kiss her.

"I love your eyes!" Camila smiles.

Lauren blushes and looks at the floor, "Thank you Camz."

Camila tilts her head to the side, "Camz?"

Lauren's eyes widen, "Sorry uh... I hope it doesn't bother you."

Camila giggles and shakes her head. "It's adorable, like you." Camila pinches Lauren's cheek lightly causing the older girl to blush once more.

"Well wanna go make something to eat then watch a movie?" Lauren asks.

"I.. I don't know how to cook," Camila frowns.

"You'll be surprised about what you learn too, come on," Lauren says holding her hand out.

Camila tilts her head, examining Lauren's hand. Camila's small hand reaches up and takes Lauren's, interlocking their fingers. Lauren looks down at their locked hands and smiles.

Lauren opens the door and walks out gently, Camila right behind her. Once they get downstairs Camila stops Lauren.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asks.

"I want to stare into your eyes," Camila smiles.

"Why?" Lauren asks confused.

"Your eyes..." Camila trails off.

"What about them?" Lauren raises an eyebrow.

"They look familiar!" Camila says.

"I.. Uh.." Lauren stutters not knowing what to say. "How about that food?" Lauren chuckles awkwardly.

"Okay!" Camila says skipping into the kitchen.

Lauren closes her eyes taking deep breathes. "Okay just survive tonight without dropping the whole bomb on her," Lauren whispers to herself and walks to the kitchen.

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