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Esperanza's pov

What does he mean by perfume? I don't wear perfumes early in the morning. And, why the heck he is trying to flirt with me pathetically. And who cares?

With these thoughts, I stepped away from him and turned around to leave. I took a few steps--

"Wait, Esper!'' He reached me and half hugged me again. Half hug, as in just standing close to, no touching just like before.

I pushed him away successfully. I can't believe this is happening. I thought it happened accidentally the first time, but now he is really acting weird.

" I know what is happening in that mansion. Every.single.detail,'' he said looking at me intensely.

"What do you know? What is happening in my mansion?" I waited for his response.

"Why?" He looked at me moving his jaw up and down which ended in clenching his teeth.

"Don't you know what is occurring?" He hissed at me with his eyes burning with undistinguished something.

"I don't know what you are trying to say," I said it without stammering. Well, can't blame me; years and years of practice.

"Who are you?" I asked him looking directly at his eyes. I want to know his name and how did he get to know everything. It is impossible. Only the killer and I know everything. That is how everything is kept under normal.

There is a missing piece here.

"Why do you want to know a stranger's name?" He asked me.

I am not able to interpret any emotion in his eyes and in his voice. There is something familiar about him that I can't able to comprehend.

I am not weak but I am not strong either. I don't want anything to sabotage my peaceful living. As I said my very instinct is to survive. Then only everything else.

"O-ok t-then, you don't have to tell me your name. Let me leave." I told him looking down. I can feel his stare on me.

" Esper! You are going into the wrong path. I am the only one who can help you. Just remember this."

His voice became distant as I started striding towards my home.

What is the meaning of this? Does he really know what is happening in my home? If he knows, what will be the outcome of this?


How did he know?

Peace. Is it so hard to be peaceful for a little while? I barely recognize my feelings anymore. All I feel is blankness or fear.

Now, this perfume-guy is also tormenting me.

I am regretting my decisions. I am always uncertain. I not really good at making choices or taking a decision.

I can add another thing to my bad decision chart.
#helping that perfume dude.

He says rubbish things right at my face. Initially, he was charming but later he is an idiot.

Thinks he could help me. Foolish bastard.

I think he is the next one in the psychopath's kill list.

I really need to stay away from this perfume fella. Last time I got in touch with someone and it let me to nowhere. I must stick to my plan.

Lure this killer, manipulate him and get out of that shit chasm.

But for that I need communication. That is why I made up this plan and gonna wait for his reply. Is there really a way for me to get out of there?

I really don't care if he kills or not. That is his own private issue. Why the hell he is doing that in my home? Can't he do that somewhere else?

If had done that somewhere else, I would have chattered about that and passed my time away.

But now, my time passes away witnessing these murders and trying to stop myself from quivering.

"I am the only one who can help you."

His words refuse to get out of my head. It kept on repeating yet I deny giving any sort of attention to it.

Can he really h-help me? Is it even possible? Can he get me out of this?

This is so frustrating and it makes me want to do anything; just anything that I don't really know what to do.

Shall I just lure this git and kill him rather. Because even if I get out of this, what will happen if he continues to chase me? What if he is a psychopath who seeks pleasure in making people depressed?

Ah!  I mentally let out a frustrating sigh. This guy is turning me into a killer.

Go back to your safe zone, Esper. Just keep your mind and heart in blankness.

My mansion came into my view. I stood in front of it.

The trees behind my home shading it. The lawn beside the entrance of home adding beauty to it. The windows winking at the sunshine. But the only odd thing here is me.

I sat in the lawn for a while and relaxed my mind. My mind is blank, my hands are fixed on the lawn, with my body bent slightly backwards and my skin tingling lightly because of the sharp edge of the grasses.

Not all the sharp stuff are meant to pierce.

I stood up and went near the door of my mansion. I dusted myself off.

I went inside and decided to explore this which never did before. I was scared that I never toured around this mansion.

Left or right. Right, it is. I started my mini-tour and went into a room to find it filled with dust that no light could enter inside.

It just consists of random books, furniture and a few old clothes. I folded my hands together and tapped on my bottom lip and concluded that I should clean this place tomorrow.

I started shifting my legs and stretched my limbs still feeling the effects of my last night bedtime.

I staggered slightly and my hand gripped into something to steady myself instead  I jerked that "something" resulting in the crashing of a glass jar. Seems like I gripped on to a table with shelves.

I let out a yawn and got a grip. The coffee is not that effective. I looked down and went forward to see what crashed.

"Ahh!cchh...." A small piece of the glass pierced my leg. It is not unbearable.

I continued to experiment with the thing on the base. It looks like sand.


It looks like cement, a very dark grey colour. What is it?

I will clean this mess along with the others tomorrow. Let me go down and make something for myself. My tummy is already begging for it.

I started going to the hall. Since I am too lazy. I moved like a crawler. With my pace like this, no one would be able to distinguish whether I am moving or not.

''Seriously, I left a trail of my footprint with the help of blood due to the recent accident." I murmured to myself.

I looked back at the room and found a few droplets of blood near the jar. First preference is to my food. I carried on towards the kitchen.

I hum a tune turning my head left and right while I reached the hall.

I turned my head right and opened my eyes to see the clean and clear floor. I have a thing for shiny things. So I liked looking at my floor glistening like a new building.

Wait......Clean and clear?

Where is my reply letter?


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Rainbowusers thanks for the beautiful covers.💝

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