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Esperanza's pov

I can't believe I am doing this. It is so exciting, thrilling but at the same time, I don't want to do this.

I want to experience this emotion but don't want to face any bad outcomes. Call me a weakling, I don't care. That is what I am. It is better to be a weakling than impersonating to be someone else.

Shall I pretend to be ill and call it off? I don't know. No, I shouldn't do that. I should have said no at the beginning itself.

Now, I should face this no matter what. Be responsible for once, Esperanza. I shouldn't have given him hope. But whenever he chats, it is like something enticing, so pleasing. I don't know. Maybe that is how it feels. I am new to this, That is why I feel these things. Ok, it is decided I am going. Let me be brave for once and enjoy my life like everybody else.

So here I stand inside this beautiful cafe. He is not here yet. It seems like he is the one who is going to ditch me.

"Hi, baby!" Someone greeted me with so much satisfaction. I don't have to spin in order to recognize him.

"Don't you think the endearments are a bit too soon ?"I questioned him raising my eyebrows.

"Love has no pace. I just love doing things quickly," he answered with a look full of admiration and something else.

Obviously, yesterday we met. Today we are going to engage in a date. I think it is pretty abrupt. Regardless of it, I love being around him. He makes me realize that I am worth something, that I exist to do something. With him, I always acknowledged that I deserve to be loved, to be with someone who will treasure me just for being me.

"Love, why don't we go to your house?" He asked me with a visible sparkle in his eyes.

"Don't call me love. Baby is fine. And it is not a house, it is my home," I replied to him feeling embarrassed.

"It is just a house for now. But once I get in, it will become a home for you" he said which later accompanied with a wink. I couldn't say anything. I am blushing. Ah!why? Why am I experiencing this?

"I don't see a no coming from your mouth, Come let's go," he replied with a smile on his face but with a straight face.

A smile that could melt any woman alive, even the dead. Shit!wait, did he say he is coming to my house? No, I mean home. Yes, home.

"I thought we are going to have a date," I waited for his reply.

"Yesterday, you didn't want to date me. Today, you can't wait to date me, love," he said with a smirk.

Yes, he is right. I never wanted to date him. But now why am I feeling so attracted to him. He speaks so, uh! I just can't describe this. He is so charming that I want to be with him but I sort of like pretending that I don't like him.

Shall I say yes? I don't want to lose a guy like him. Wait, a guy like him? I don't even know what type of guy he is. He is hoping to come to my house on the first date. Maybe he is just like those males who want to have seven females for seven days. With his appearance, he could have three sixty-five girls for three sixty-five days. That pointed jaws are something that could attract every female here. Every female is already looking at him. This makes me want to sigh with jealousy and discontentment.

This emotion is the reason for this date. This idiotic emotion is the reason for my fear and again this bloody emotion is the reason for this bliss interlaced with the thrill. Do I like this or not?

"Shut up! Dashawn. I am going to my home unaccompanied. Bye Bye," I told him and started departing.

He is not following me. I know guys like him won't be with me. He was just time passing or maybe who knows he wanted to use me or something. Probably he already has a girlfriend. I know I am beautiful though I am clumsy, reckless, Coward and the list goes on.

I entered into my house.

I got surrounded by darkness. I didn't switch off the lights before leaving the house. I never liked it. Then, why everything is dark?

I can't see anything. The windows are closed. Wait, I can hear something. Something like leaves. Yes, I think I stepped on leaves. No, it can't be. I never believed in ghost. But how can I step on leaves? A bunch of leaves. I frantically started the search for my own sodding switch box.

Oh no! Some creature went passed my neck.

Then, my fingers found the switch and the lights went on.

Oh my God! I must be dreaming. I really must be dreaming. This is not happening. The sight in front of me sent chills throughout my body.

I shouldn't have left him. I should have stayed with him. Then, I could have prevented this. This site in front of me made my mouth to make the sound...

"Ah!!!!!!". My scream might have woke up the dead. Mixed with unknown fear and a known occurrence made me standstill with no movement in my body except the erratic breath and the movement of my chest.

" I am.....I.."My shaking voice boomed around my empty home.



"She said my name" he started laughing.

"she said my name," I chuckled with pure amusement.  Today she didn't depart. I made her depart. I have some unfinished business. Let me complete it and then she will be mine.

You can't get out this trap. The trap is not made out of rope or steel. The trap's name is Esperanza. Yes, you trapped yourself, Esperanza. Don't blame me later, my love.

There is something, something about her that lures me in. She was not my target. She never was.


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