Chapter 18 - Exclusive Tutelage

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"Recording log..."

"Week 2"
"1933 hrs."
"King's Office"
"King's Castle"
"Pridel, Almeda Kingdom"




Alone and walking anxiously back and forth in the past half an hour upon receiving an urgent and distressed report from an escaped and injured follower from the Fourth Cavalry, King Galian immediately sent another reinforcement from the Third Cavalry in order to help the Second and Fourth Cavalry. He is sweating from his forehead and back, anxiously waiting for another report on the situation ongoing there. When suddenly, a knock comes on his door.

"Your majesty?" a mumbled voice echoed through the door.

"Who is it?" he stopped and looked towards the door. The door then opens and a red-haired female elf maid enters in, bowing in respect.

"Your majesty. Sorry to interrupt you at this hour." 

"That's alright. What is it then?"

The maid closes the door and looks at the king with snake-like eyes. She is also one of the undercover agents from the Followers Of Razhiel.

"Your majesty. Troy and Farka have arrived together with Susan from the Second Cavalry."

"Really? What happened to the Second and Fourth Cavalry? What happened to Susan and her group?" the king deeply unnerved.

"Y-Your majesty! Susan is alright now, and is now being interviewed by Desmond and Plaire in the Secret Basement." the maid replied.

"Tch. Come with me!" the king ordered as he now makes his way toward the Secret Basement. The elf maid also followed behind him while checking their surroundings.



As the two arrived at the entrance of the basement, Wilma greets the two who is guarding the room where the others are.

"G-Good evening, your majesty." Wilma bowed with a face of worry.

"Are they inside?" the king asked her. Wilma then sheds a couple of tears. On the other side of the door, they can hear Susan crying. King Galian hurriedly enters the basement as the elf-maid stayed at the entrance with Wilma to help her guard the room.

"Ah- your majesty!" Wilma was surprised by the king's sudden entry. Upon entering, the king sees Desmond, Plaire, and Troy, looking with sympathy down at Susan crouched on the floor, crying, while Farka hugs her.

"My king!" Desmond immediately noticed the king. The others also notice him as soon as Desmond exclaimed. They all kneel down, and so as Susan, who tries to stop her tears from flowing out of her eyes.

"W-What happened?" the king asked them. Desmond replies while kneeling.

"Your majesty. The Second Cavalry and Fourth Cavalry had been destroyed by people that refer to themselves as the "Talenteds".

"The "Talenteds"?" the king pondered.

"Yes, your majesty." Desmond followed. King Galian then looks at Susan who is crying silently while kneeling. He approaches and kneels at her. Susan looks up, surprised to see the king.

"Y-Your, majesty...." Susan, trying to hold back tears. The king then hugs her head and pats it.

"You all did your best. I know you all did...." the king said sympathetically. This is enough to make Susan bursts into tears. Desmond, Plaire, and Troy clinch their teeth in anger and rage upon the Talenteds who had attacked them.

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