Prologue - The Essence of a Gun

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This is my very first story. English is not my first language so I apologize for my bad grammar and wordings. But still, I hope you'll enjoy my work.

[ EDIT: 1st Rewritten and Reeditted on April 16, 2021 ] (first trash)
[ EDIT: 2nd Rewritten and Reeditted on November 02, 2022 ] (second trash haha rip)





On an autumn afternoon in a forest, a Grandpa and his grandchild are hunting for some food.

"Alright. There he is. Make sure you don't take off your eyes on him." the old man whispered while looking through his binoculars. He's an old man in his 80s with a gray beard and hair, donning a green-brown camouflaged suit hiding behind a bush. On his right, a young boy, in his 10s also donned the same camo suit as his grandpa.

"Copy that gramps." the boy whispered back as he looks through down the scope of his scoped M40 Remington rifle.

"Take your time boy. Make sure to control your breathing wisely." the grandpa whispered.

"Got it, gramps." the young boy whispered back.

As the young boy continues to steady his rifle and aim, adrenaline starts to flow through him as he now sees a group of wild boars eating the bait traps some hundred meters away. He carefully holds and controls his grip on the rifle while waiting for the right moment to fire.


Then, as one of the big wild boars posed in a position to eat and on the baits, this was now his cue to fire.


The gunshot resonated and echoed through the forest and birds came flying outside from the trees and animals came running.

As the grandpa witnessed while looking through his binos, he sees the dead boar on the ground, with distinguishable blood flowing out of its neck.

"Hehe. Job well done my boy! Looks like we're having a feast tonight eh?" he said as he pats the young boy's back repeatedly. He then stands up to leave his cover in the bush to inspect their hunt.

The young boy then looks off the scope and watches the site. He also sees the group of boars now running away from the bait area. 

"It sure is, gramps! " the young boy also stands up to follow his gramps to the hunting site.




A couple of days before, in a rural countryside house...

Morning comes and the echoes of the rooster sounding their morning call, awaken a young boy named Harvey Johanson. He rubs his eyes and stretches his arms as he gets up from his bed. When suddenly, his grandpa shouts in the house calling for him.

"Wake up boy! Happy Birthday! I've got some birthday presents for you! Come on and hurry up!" Grandpa Alex shouted on the other side of the door.

Harvey then puts his sandals on and walks outside of his room to meet up with his grandpa downstairs. In the kitchen, he greets his grandpa.

"Morning gramps. Hmm?" Harvey looked around, wondering why there are no presents in sight.

"Where are the presents, gramps?"

"Hehe. First, let us eat breakfast and I'll talk about the details later on." Grandpa Alex arranges the food on the table.

"Hmm, I got a feeling that this is gonna be a nice surprise." Harvey sits at the dining table, waiting for breakfast.

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