Chapter 04 - Moon Shadow ( Part 2 )

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"Recording log..."

"Week 1"
"0241 hrs."
"Fruchiel's Cathedral"
"Gargan Forest"




But just as the designated elements were about to leave. Fruchiel remembered something and shouts at them at the entrance door.


Hearing this, Harvey and the designated elements look at Fruchiel

"Oh yeah, right. I also forgot about that." Harvey said to himself as he then ordered the rest of the designated elements to halt and standby. With that, Harvey went to Fruchiel to prepare the casting spell.

"Aight. What are we'll gonna do?"

Fruchiel put her arms wide on her sides as she closes her eyes and began whispering the spell. While casting the spell, she then began glowing with yellow light around her with her hair starts to sway slowly in the air. Little orbs of light then began appearing out of nowhere near Harvey and each of the designated units.

And then, Fruchiel rapidly claps her hands, finishing the spell. The little orbs of light then quickly went inside each of the elements' ammunition indicating that they are now cast with the Null-Cast spell. Harvey and the elements look at their weapons and start checking them in awe.

"Hm. You sure this will work?" asked Harvey to her.

But Fruchiel makes a smug face and thumbs up at him.


Then, another awkward silence as Harvey makes yet another disappointed face as he can't believe her response.


"And you call yourself an angel, you piece of-.. nevermind. "Harvey facepalmed himself. Fruchiel then pats his back as she cheers him up.

"Hahaha! Oh, come on! It's been a long while since I cast this spell! Why don't you guys go ahead and test it out now, hm?"

Harvey sighs and walks out to regroup with his elements and continue their operation.

"Yeah yeah. If I died, I'm coming to hunt you for the rest of your life. Hear me"

"Go get em'!" she said as she starts waving at Harvey and his team. With the spell cast now done, the Defense Elements also start patrolling and setting up perimeters across and around the cathedral, while the Strike Elements make their way to Arksonville based on the briefing they had with the help of Fruchiel earlier.



Two hours had passed...

The Strike Elements slowly appear out of their bush covers inside the forest. Harvey then began checking their status on the radio attached to his vest. 

"All elements, status. Over." Harvey whispered on his radio. One by one, the HOTEL Operators also whispery replied through their radios. Their replies are heard by Harvey on his earset that is attached to his radio for quiet transmission. 

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