Chapter 08 - Thick but Narrow, Thin but Wide

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"Rewinding log..."

"Week 1"
"0015 hrs."
"Somewhere in the Eastern Part of the forest."
"Gargan Forest"




Under the bright full-moon night, werewolves with three eyes are now starting to howl and look for their hunt and prey. They sniff on the ground, tracking their smell. When suddenly, they stop and stare at a dark area as if they've noticed something strange. Seconds later, faint footsteps resonate inside the dark area, and the wolves began to gnarl while standing their ground to confront the seemingly dangerous creature. The footsteps became more and more clear, as they now revealed two HOTEL Operators in ghillie suits and ghillied rifles. The two scan their surroundings in the area when they also suddenly notice the wolves in front of them. The wolves began gnarling even harder. The two operators slowly approach the wolves with now rifles drawn to them.  As they stare at the glowing tubes of the operators and at the front of their barrels, it was as if their instinct told them to run away, the wolves indeed run away and whimper. The operators then slowly resume their operation after the area is clear while scanning their surroundings with their improved dual-tubes-NODs of AN/PVS-5s.

"HOTEL Group Three. Proceeding with Waypoint Three-C." one of them whispered on his attached radio.

"Roger. HOTEL Group Two E-T-A. twenty-mikes at Waypoint Two-C." another group whispered in their frequency and earpieces. 

"Waypoint Four-D, HOTEL Group Four." another on their frequency. The ten HOTEL Operators were grouped into five groups, two operators each, for their recon operation to lay up traps and motion sensors on the path leading to the main camp of the bandits that attacked Arksonville two days ago. Going to their respective waypoints, they attach motion sensors to detect any possible enemy movements and traps like mines and claymores. One will do the setting and attaching while the other one will provide cover and security. In their next waypoint, they will switch places until they've reached their respective final waypoints.



After three hours, all of the groups finished laying up sensors and traps on the path leading to the bandit camp. They rendezvous together and observe the main bandit camp down over a hill just now hundreds of meters away from them. As they look at their AN/PVS-2 Starlight scopes that they also brought from the armory, they begin observing people at an established and fortified cave entrance. Some were patrolling and some were just playing cards. They also begin to take pictures of them using also the said starlight scopes for better evaluation. After their quick and final procedure, they slowly exit their positions like ghosts disappearing into the dark woods and make their way back to the Cathedral.


Another two hours have passed, and they finally make it back to the Cathedral. They were greeted by the patrolling units from the Able Company in the forest near the Cathedral. It was now 0613hrs. The first thing the HOTEL Operators noticed are the trees that were now cut off by the new units from the Baker Company using chainsaws. They also heard loud thumps resonating on the back of the Cathedral and decided to check it out. What greeted them was the deafening rotors of the Cobra helicopter hovering a few feet above ground doing testing runs.

"HEY! WHERE'S THE SIR?!" HOTEL 01 shouted to a nearby Able Unit and tapped his shoulder.

"HE'S INSIDE WITH THE OTHERS!" the unit replied. The ten operators unhood their ghillie hoods as they walk inside the Cathedral. Some of the Able Units welcomed them from their operation during their duty. 

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