Chapter 45

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Bear :
Wait I just got my phone back this morning you talked to Namjoon??

Me :
Hello to you too Taebear

Bear :
Taebear is indeed a very cute nickname

Me :
It is
Very cute nickname for a very cute person ;)

Bear :
Back to the subject??

Me :
Well you saw the messages so do I really have to answer?

Bear :
... I guess not
You really don't need to buy me a gift tho
I'll make sure not to give any idea to Joon
Don't waste your money on me 😤

Me :
It's not wasted if it's on you ;)

Bear :
You sure are very flirty today

Me :
And you don't like it? :(

Bear :
I don't know shut up

Me :
You're the first person with whom I flirt

Bear :
Lmao right
Sure i'm gonna believe that

Me :
You should
I'm serious

Bear :

Me :
You're the first person to find interest in me
So it doesn't feel out of place to flirt with you

Bear :
Dude there is no way i'm the first to "find interest" in you
Have you seen yourself?
I'm sure a lot of people have a crush on you
You just don't realise it

Me :
I'm pretty sure this isn't true

Bear :
Yugyeom for a start but we don't talk about him
I'd be curious to talk to people from your middle school to see

Me :
Oh no you definitely wouldn't find anyone crushing on me back then
They weren't good people anyways so I guess it's a good thing they didn't

Bear :
Did you change a lot before highschool?

Me :
Very much yes

Bear :
Do you have pictures of younger you?

Me :
Yes but I would rather not show them

Bear :
You'll show me one day I can feel it

Me :
You wish

Bear :
But you know what
My wishes tend to come true 🤗

Bear is typing.. | TaekookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant