Chapter 31

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Bear :
Why did you lie to me?
You could have told me
Seriously that's kind of fucked up

Me :

Bear :
They're dating
I asked
Like three times
And every time you said they are not dating

Me :
Jk and Yug?

Bear :
Who else?

Me :
They are not dating??
What are you talking about?

Bear :
Someone saw them kissing
It's all over twitter rn
Why did you lie
You made me believe I could have a chance
You even said i'm his type
Seriously that's so mean

Me :
I was serious???
They didn't kiss
They're not together
I swear

Bear :
Well he says he saw them kissing and given Jeongguk has bright red hair and Yugyeom has bright orange hair I doubt he made a mistake

Me :

Bear :
I don't know
A guy saw them
Told his friend
And a friend of that friend twitted about it this afternoon

Me :
He's lying!
I know for a fact they did not kiss
Never did

Bear :
I don't know Bunny
I always had a feeling they are together
If you wanted to let me have hope by lying it's sweet I guess but you shouldn't have
I'm even more upset now

Me :
I did not lie??
Why would you believe some guy you don't know over me???

Bear :
I mean it's not like I really know who you are..
Plus a lot of other people have been twitting about it
Saying they witnessed other "couple moments"

Me :
They're all lying!
I don't know about Yug but I know for a fact Jeongguk doesn't see him as more than a friend

Bear :
Dude you don't have to keep lying
It's okay
I'll just get over him
I guess they make a cute couple

Me :
They really don't

Bear :
Yeah no they don't
We would make a cute couple :(
Well i'm not a douche so I can't even try to make them break up

Me :
They are not together
Don't be sad
You'll make me sad

Bear :
Oh no don't be sad Bunny :(

Me :
YOU don't be sad :(

Bear :
No u :(

Me :
You :(

Bear :

Me :

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