Chapter 10

316 22 1

Bear :
Quick question
If someone always wears black does that make them emo?

Me :

Bear :
What does it make them?

Me :

Bear :

Me :
Black goes with everything.
It's a beautiful color.
Plus it makes you look thinner.
You can't go out of your confort zone with black.
It's nice.

Bear :
Oh yeah
I guess you're right
Do you always wear black?

Me :
Not always.
But most of the time according to my friend.

Bear :
Omg do you wear like chains and leather jackets?

Me :

Bear :
Ngl you sound hot

Me :
Because I wear black?

Bear :
And chains
And leather jackets

Me :

Bear :
Plus you just give me hot vibes

Me :

Bear :
It feels like i'm talking to a hot guy when I text you

Me :
What does that even mean??

Bear :
I can smell a hot dude from miles around

Me :
Your gay is showing.

Bear :
When is it not?
Well are you?

Me :

Bear :
Are you hot?

Me :
Not really...

Bear :
Anw don't worry it's what's on the inside that matters 💜

Me :

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