⤷ ⅰ. The Bet

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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘵

                                Sara Lin was no stranger to bets and that was the understatement of her life. Being friends with Patrick made her immune to refusing bets and although she knew it was childish to accept them, she still did it. Not once has she learned her lesson much to the disappointment of those around her, perhaps that was why she and Patrick still remained so close together.  As Sara walked beside her cousin, Vicky, the loud boisterous voice of Patrick rang in her ears. He was currently singing Happy Birthday out loud glancing repeatedly at Sara Lin, not a trace of regret on her face. As he stepped beside her, Sara felt the stare of an adult walking across the sheet. Lowering her head in embarrassment, she glanced at Patrick hissing at him to stop, Vicky merely smiled in amusement patting Sara's shoulder. 

"We're just celebrating the day of your birth Sara." He teased with a grin. Sara held onto Vicky's arm and sighed in defeat. He's been at it all night and she realized that her embarrassment would go on until they parted ways. 

"Can you  believe you're finally 17 Sara?" Vicky spoke up looking at her with a smile. Patrick had stopped and was now quietly walking ahead of them with his hands tucked inside his pockets. Sara let go of Vicky's arm and felt her cheeks heat up.

"Nothing really changed, it's just a number!" She responded while fixing her sweater's sleeves. The air was cool against their faces reminding them that summer was no longer here. 

"I just can't believe you're practically an adult now!" Vicky exclaimed in disbelief as they walked down the subway stairs. They had spent their final night out by eating at a local chicken restaurant and tomorrow they would no longer be out in the muggle world, instead, they'd be confined to Hogwart's campus. Not that there was anything wrong with the situation, it's just that they'd be occupied with preparing for the N.E.W.T.S since they had to take it in the Seventh year. Granted, they were currently going to start their Sixth Year, but Vicky said they should prepare easier. Which meant they'd be studying relentlessly and that was something Sara lin never quite enjoyed.

"An adult? Sara?" Patrick stopped and turned to face them while letting out a laugh. "Little Sara Lin still looks like a kid plus she's never even kissed a boy!" He turned back and continued walking with a smirk plastered on his face. 

"It is true Sara, your young witch days are halfway done! You gotta get on it! Make it a goal." Her cousin chastised playfully as she dodged a swipe from Sara. 

"Vicky! Stop reminding me about it, you're the worst cousin ever!" Sara complained as she felt her face grow hot from the embarrassment. "Besides, it's not like I can control that sort of thing. I just need to wait for the right moment." At this, Sara felt a chill realizing what she had just said. 

Patrick stopped and turned around with a knowing grin. He got close to her face stopping short a few centimeters away from Sara's face. 

"So you just need an opportunity? I can give you an opening right now." He spoke up. She felt her face grow even warmer and was now wondering to herself if it was possible to get heatstroke from embarrassment. 

"Wait-do you mean...you?!" She exclaimed backing away from his face, at this Patrick backed away as well. 

"What? No way! Ew, Sara, I'm talking about a bet! Why would you even think of that?!" He responded making a disgusted face while laughing to himself, Sara felt something snap and was about to slap him when Vicky held her back. 

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