⤷ iii. The Slytherin

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Oliver + Sara's Perspective

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The Slytherin

                              Oliver Yang was undeniably bored. The little kids in front and behind him were whispering loudly and the entire hall was noisy. But he supposed it was much better than having to attend a school where his new stepfather was the Headmaster. Oliver looked towards the blue table where he caught the gaze of Joe. He was the only reason why he was remaining sane if he had to be quite honest. 

"You're pretty old aren't you mister?" A kid quipped behind him, Oliver rose an eyebrow and turned to see a smaller red-haired kid. The red hair reminded Oliver of that weird girl at the subway. Thank gosh, he was far from that freak. "My mum told me that I have to use honorifics for older kids." The kid finished with a crooked grin. Oliver immediately knew the kid was from Britain, but just nodded without bothering to answer the kid. He yawned and just wanted the ceremony to be over. He was hungry and tired. 

It was at that moment, he wondered how his friends were doing, especially Skyler. The white-haired girl and he had a complicated relationship, he knew he liked her, but he didn't know if she returned those feelings. She was smart and a great Quidditch player, it was no wonder she was sorted into the Thunderbird house. He hated to leave Ilvermorny, but he did not want to stay and play family. It was getting harder to tolerate the way his mom and stepfather were, but leaving without saying a proper goodbye left a bitter taste on his tongue. 

The lively hall got quiet capturing Oliver's attention. He looked up to see an older man take the stage in front of a wooden stand crafted into a bird. The teacher behind him all took a seat and the children beside him grew more excited and skittish. It was a miracle they were still standing if he had to be honest. The welcoming ceremony was the same as usual, there was not much of a difference if he had to compare it back home. If he recalled the curriculum might be a bit different since he was ahead, according to Joe that is. 

He zoned out until a young brown-haired Professed stepped up with a hat on one hand and a list on the other. There were not many new students since you needed a special letter, it was hard getting into Hogwarts. Luckily Oliver got in smoothly. If he didn't get into Hogwarts, BootCamp was Oliver's last option to get away from home. He even had it all planned out if it resorted to the final resort. 

"When I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." The Professor spoke up, Professor Diggory was her name. The names continued on, the kid behind him grew more anxious. He silently tugged at Oliver's robes causing the bespectacled boy to glance back.

"Mister, do you think I can cut you?" The boy whispered. Oliver stared at him and sighed. He lightly grabbed his shoulder and moved the kid in front of him without saying anything. The kid grinned and thanked him. "Thank you!"

The names went on and Oliver thought about the Houses. He didn't mind which house he got selected in, as long as it wasn't Gryffindor. The red-robed house reminded him of his mom and he did not want to be reminded of her at the moment.

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