⤷ vi. The Storm

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The Storm

               It was Sunday and tomorrow her paper was due. Sara Lin rubbed her eyes, Patrick had been knocked out in the common room, so she was truly alone. Though she couldn't quite blame her best friend since he had been practicing out in the field. The Library was surprisingly quiet as well as empty, she was in her usual seat at the corner. A small lamp provided her with enough light to work on her assignment. But Sara Lin was lonely and cold. The rain outside was loud disturbing the silence that she had grown accustomed to. 

She focused her attention on the pile of D.A.D.A books in front of her, the untouched parchment paper rested in front of her with her quill tucked inside the inkpot beside it. She had written her dad a week ago and yet has heard nothing back, she asked him for advice on the numbing feeling since she felt as though there was no one else to ask. Every day her friends received letters from their parents, Vicky and Patrick had a close relationship with their mothers. Joe would continuously talk about his own parents, granted both were separated. Nonetheless, he talked highly of them. Perhaps the feeling could be the idea that her mom's anniversary was slowly coming up. Or that she would have to stay home for the holidays since her dad needed to work over break and Vicky was going to her father's side of the family with her parents. 

Sometimes, when she was alone at home during her dad's busy work hours, Sara would talk to her mom for hours. She would lay in bed and look up at the ceiling and then when she would open them, she would remember she wasn't there with her nor would she be coming back. Because when reality settled in, her mom was gone.

She then heard someone shuffle behind her, she turned to see Oliver. His glasses reflected the candle in his hand, book balancing on his other hand. 

"Why is it that every time I come to this section you're here?" He spoke up, though there was no teasing tone. In fact, Oliver's expression was calm. 

"I happen to be working on a very important essay, this time."

"Oh, so you're not taking  a nap like you normally do?" 

"No, I'm struggling with a paper for D.A.D.A," She sighed and then looked monetarily surprised when he took a seat beside her, setting down his candle. He also set aside his books as he took her parchment paper, looking it over.

"I helped my brother with his paper, so don't worry. I'm not clueless." He spoke up, glancing at her. She shook her head lightly and looked at the books he grabbed. Noticing her stare, he cleared his throat and fixed his glasses.

"I just like to read. It's getting boring in the dorm. I'm surprised you can't use your phones in the school." He replied. Sara simply nodded in agreement and sighed. 

"I understand how you feel, I miss being able to listen to my music or receiving my dad's messages. I don't think he knows how to send letters, the previous years my neighbor would help him since she was a witch. But she passed away 3 months ago." She spoke up softly. 

Mrs. Berry was the only other connection she had with her mom, so it was a hard time for her. If not for Vicky or Patrick, she wasn't quite sure how she and her dad managed to function. Oliver simply nodded in response, he wasn't sure what to say after that. In fact, she wasn't sure as to why she was disclosing this information. 

"I'm sure your dad will get the hang of it." 

"Maybe, if not I understand." She then turned her attention back to the essay in his hand. "Is it bad? If it is, I blame Patrick. He tried helping me but he's not that great at it."

"You can tell, it looks like you both tag-teamed to work on it." Sara rubbed her head and merely smiled in embarrassment. "You might have to start again from scratch." 

She took out some more paper and started writing down words with her quill at his instruction, it wasn't until she was halfway done that she realized something. 

"Don't you have your first game in the evening tomorrow?" At that, he froze.

"Don't worry, it's not my first game besides I couldn't sleep." Sara understood not being able to sleep, though she did think he was underestimating the storm that would brew tomorrow. Lulu had predicted it and warned Patrick about it during Divination. 

"Be careful, the storms can get a bit rough."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As Sara Lin tightened the scarf around herself, she noticed the clouds rolling in. It was pouring and yet the game had to go on, there was not one student who was missing from the rows of bleachers. Houses were separated, which was one thing Sara Lin disliked about the games. The good thing was she got a good score on her essay that was dreading, she didn't have time to tell Oliver since her schedule was busy. But she figured she'd inform him after the game. Patrick was on his broom along with the rest of his team, she just knew that Tammy was fawning over him. Before he went to get changed with the team, she refused to let him go saying that Lulu had told her someone was going to get hurt. But Lulu's predictions were 50/50  a majority of the time. 

The storm overhead boomed causing the bleachers to shake a bit, Sara sighed and crossed her arms to get some sort of warmth. It was then when the Slytherin team made their way onto the field when Sara saw him. He was the Seeker, his blonde-haired stood brightly in the dark sky and his expression was unreadable though he kept glancing at the sky. She knew the weather must have been different. She also understood he was forced to join the team, Joe had let that little piece of information slip when they were waiting for their essay to be returned earlier. 

The game started and the students on the brooms flew across the pouring sky. The concept of the game was quite simple, especially when your best friend basically talked about it 24/7. Sara's eyes followed Patrick who was catching every attempt at the opposite side scoring. He was prideful in his role and Tammy always managed to inflate his ego by saying he was amazing at every chance she had. 

She then saw two people zoom past him, Oliver Yang and Mattias Rowland were fast. She never really saw the blonde-haired boy in action, most of the time he was studying or doing homework. He was at the top of his class and so when Joe had mentioned he was on the team back at his old school, Sara was curious. It was quite clear that he was a prodigy of some sort. Yet they flew higher and the rain grew harder. 

It happened quickly. 

Both boys flew off of their broomsticks and Sara Lin stood up quickly. She took out her wand which she didn't even notice was out and flicked it. She knew the incantation by heart, it was something she learned in her mom's diaries. Arresto Momentum. Oliver's body slowed down and she already knew that the Professor who was overseeing the match used the same spell for Matthias. Both teams on the field quickly went to assist their fallen teammates and Sara released the breath that she didn't even know she was holding in. As she watched the scene on the field, she hoped Joe was ok. 

"Sara Lin are you ok?" The voice drowned her out of her thoughts. Turning around she noticed Mari, the Prefect for their house. There was concern knitted on her eyebrows as she rested a delicate hand on the arm Sara was holding her wand with, she didn't even notice it was shaking. 

"She must be shaking because she saved the Slytherin seeker, "The 7th year beside her spoke up as Mari used her other hand to rub her back. "I've never seen Sara Lin use a spell so quickly."

"Come on Sara Lin, let's get you to the Hospital Wing."

Why was Sara Lin so freaked out over Oliver falling?

Something to do with her family or herself?

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