⤷ ix. The Challenge

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The Challenge

      Sara Lin was many things, but she was not one to back down from a challenge. As she watched her Professor lay out her grades on the wooden table she realized a new challenge had arisen. Not to fail. This plagued her mind repeatedly throughout the weeks, she couldn't accept not being able to follow in her mother's footsteps to graduation. She couldn't stand not following her best friends on the next chapter of their new life after school. The Professor behind her looked worn out as if seeing her academic history was a hard thing to see. 

"Sara Lin, I know you've been going through a rough patch with trying to complete all of the required material and then there's the matter of your habit of going off track towards a certain month, but this is very important, " The older witch grasped her hands softly. With a gentle smile and her eyes squinting through the glass lenses, she sighed. "With the way your grades are going this semester, you may not be able to continue on with the rest of your class." 

Saras Lin was bad at many things, but this was something everyone was aware of. The red-haired girl merely nodded and looked down at the papers. Crying came easy but for some reason, she felt numb as if she was struck by a Torpere curse

"Although this normally ends in a much more depressing manner, there is some light to this situation. You have been improving over the weeks and I do want you to know that all of your professors have seen this. You have a chance Sara Lin, do not lose sight of your goal." 

"I understand, thank you, Professor Skyler." She stood up stiffly and walked towards the door without another sound. The halls were vacant since many of her peers went out to Hogsmeade to de-stress while the younger kids were in their rooms celebrating the last bit of freedom they had. The halls of Hogwarts once brought comfort but now they seemed suffocating. If she was home her dad's loud music would bring some form of peace but she wasn't home and her dad isn't with her. Sara was pretty sure the universe was playing some cruel joke on her, she was stupid and single. 

The sky was clear despite Sara's current mood and perhaps it was better this way. Watching the tree blow in the breeze and light reflecting off of the glass windows of the classes was peaceful, but it didn't help the anxious feeling bubbling within her calm down. It was then that she felt someone's presence behind her. 

"Looking for routes to avoid boys? Or is it time to avoid a Professor?" The voice was soothing and although the words might seem harsh, she was aware that there was no bite behind them. 

"I see your conversation starters have improved drastically" A small smile made its way onto her lips without hesitance. Her gaze was brought up to a familiar blonde, attired in his quidditch uniform. "Was there practice?" 

"No, I just needed to work on something with Collins." He leaned on the pillar beside them, his gaze not shifting away from her. 

"Collins? So you are coming back from a quidditch date then." She nudged his arm with a teasing smile. He merely shook her off before gesturing to the folder in her arm. 

"You went to Professor Skyler didn't you?" It was an innocent question, but Sara felt the bile in her throat threatening to spill. A small nod was the only thing she provided as an answer to Oliver's question. 

Perhaps he noticed the way she looked down at her shoes or the way she refused to open her mouth. Whatever he noticed, she was grateful for it because the only thing he did was stand straight and gently led her in the opposite direction of where the office was.

"Where are we going? Going to throw me off a broom Subway boy?" 

"Maybe I will if you keep calling me that," He glanced at her. "Let's go to the dining hall and maybe we can work on some homework together." The way he glanced at her left her cheeks feeling warm, but she ignored it in favor of their friendship. It's only been less than a month since she has grown closer to the younger boy, it didn't help that he was younger than her either. She was mortified that she has developed a small crush on Oliver since she had once had a crush on his brother. She can already hear the whispers in the hall if word got out that she was smitten with Oliver, the Slytherin prince. Mentally scolding herself for such thoughts, she continued to follow the blonde-haired boy through the halls. 

As they walked into the dining hall, she felt the Slytherin table's stare. She tried to make herself go unnoticed, but it has been obvious that she wouldn't be invisible to them. Her red cloak made her stick out like a neon sign. It didn't help that the Prince of the House was beside her. Over the semester it was acknowledged by various of her classmates that Oliver was well-loved by half of the female population in every house. His cool boy demeanor drew the girls in like a moth to a flame. Joe found it amusing since he was well aware of what Oliver thought about his newfound popularity. 

"He hates it." Joe brought it up during their lunch meetup. 

"I always knew my best buddy would win over the ladies." Patrick jokingly replied. Sara Lin can remember that moment like the back of her hand. It was the last time they all hung out eating and laughing. Those moments were scarce since Joe was with Vicky. Currently, Patrick and Tammy were having their own problems, but neither would confide in Sara for unknown reasons. 

"Maybe I should sit over there-"

"Don't tell me Sara Lin is afraid of a couple of Slytherins." It was as if he was dangling the bait.

"Is that a challenge?" She took the bait willingly and he only led her towards his usual spot with the few members of the Quidditch team who were in the hall. 

IDK if I like how this turned out

Let me know if it should stay or go.

I do want to thank those who have been waiting for this update. Thank you so much for being patient with me and not giving up on this story. 

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