⤷ viii. The Relief

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The Relief

1 month Later

Sara Lin picked at her oatmeal as she listened to Patrick's plans for Tammy's birthday. A lot has changed over the course of one month. Vicky and Joe were closer than ever, but Sara wasn't too disturbed about it. At first, she was considering that she had a crush on him for 3 months, but she wanted to see her cousin happy. And so she shoved her feelings aside to see it happen, resorting to teasing her cousin about Joe. Hogwarts was soon bustling with excitement, the cold air that once nipped at the students grew softer. The sun peeking out from behind the clouds and the nature around soon showed signs of life.

The red-haired girl smiled to herself as she sipped a cup of orange juice. Yet a small voice in her head was counting down the moments until she needed to graduate. It was still months away but it was still a reoccurring nightmare. Vicky was busy talking to her friend beside and the rest of her house's table were immersed in their own world. Unbeknownst to Sara, a certain blonde-haired Slytherin was glancing her way. A muffin shaped like a sphere made its way onto Sara Lin's plate and she looked up to see a cheerful-looking Patrick. His eyes had a hint of mischief as he slid beside her.

"Sara Lin, you're my best friend" He spoke up and as soon as those words left his lips, Sara felt a familiar sense of wariness. Narrowing her eyes, she lifted a finger to his mouth. She did not understand what Tammy saw in her dearest and oldest friend.

"Stop it right there, what do you want Patrick?"

"I assure you, Sara Lin, I merely wanted to express my gratitude towards you and tell you that I appreciate how you have been such a good friend over the years" He responded, putting a hand to his chest in a dramatic manner and looking away from her. "It hurts knowing that you think I want something from you after saying such kind things from you. I ought to tell your father how cold you have become."

"Oh, so you don't want anything?" She lifted an eyebrow and delicately pointed her spoon towards him before scooping oatmeal into her mouth.

"Oh no, I do. I was wondering if you'd mind me skipping out on our study session today. As much as I love watching you struggle in Alchemy - Tammy and I are going to check on something." Sometimes seeing two people happy in a relationship left a bitter taste in her mouth but she knew how much she loved seeing her two favorite people happy and content.

"No worries, I understand." She then stood up. "Well, I have to go get my textbook from the dorm I forgot we have an assignment due later on. Bye Patrick, tell Tammy I said hi." Without waiting to hear a goodbye, Sara Lin left the hall before taking off in the opposite direction of the dorm.

She was in her last year at Hogwarts and if there was anything that she learned over the course of the years, nothing was going to be easy. She wasn't sure what she'd want to do after graduating from the school nor was she sure if she'd want to remain in the muggle world or go off to the country. The fear of not knowing what to do would often keep her up at night, Vicky knew she wanted to go into the ministry, Patrick wanted to be an Auror, Tammy wanted to work in a hospital, and Joe wanted to go into the ministry as well. Yet she remained unsure and she knew her time was soon running out.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed her arm stopping the Gryffindor in her tracks and driving her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see nothing but a wall, turning she noticed Oliver. The bespectacled boy always left her in a peculiar mood, after the incident during the Quidditch match both teenagers grew less cold towards one another. As she looked up at him she noticed something. For a boy who was merely a year younger than her, she wondered how he as well as why he grew up so fast.

"Walking into walls is not a part of the criteria in this school according to my memory of the pamphlet provided on the first day Sara Lin." His voice was cool yet his gaze remained on her.

"What do you want to do when you graduate Subway boy?" The question slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it, but she was curious.

"Still with that nickname, I see." His face resembled that of a cat that seemed to be done with its owner but she still poked him in his arm.

"Go on, answer the question." The pair moved to the side of the wall avoiding any incoming students, she was leaning on the wall looking up at him as he towered over her. The two did not notice the curious looks spared their way, The Prince of Slytherin was talking calmly to a mudblood, but no one would bring it up due to the knowing nature of the young Yang brother.

He fixed his glasses and a stoic expression made its way onto his face.

"I guess to be an Auror or work in the ministry. I'm not quite sure yet."

He may have not known it, but those words warmed her heart and tore at Sara Lin's worries thus relieving any pressure from her chest. She felt lighter and she wasn't sure yet.

Just a short chapter to assure you all that this story is still happening, I just have to plan out the rest. If you want to see anything in the future chapters please let me know!

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