⤷ ii. The Train Ride

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The Train Ride

                              Sara Lin hugged her dad tightly. Her luggage had been delivered much earlier since she'd be traveling by Floo powder to Britain where her two friends awaited. There were five other Americans that she knew of in the school, Hogwarts was much easier to attend especially since Sara's mother had attended the School. She wanted to follow in her footsteps, it was the only connection she really had to her mother. When she had told her dad, he understood and so asked Vicky's parents if she'd attend with her. Of course, they agreed since they understood the situation. She was truly grateful for her family and their support, but at times she felt empty without her mother being in the picture. Sara let go of her father and looked up at him, as the years grew on, he grew a bit older. Yet there was still youth present in his grin. 

"Well kiddo, it's time. Are you ready?" He took the pot of Floo powder from the fireplace's surface and held it out. Sara nodded and grinned back. Her heart was racing at the excitement of being able to go back to school and learn new spells. Though the studying part was the least exciting thing of returning back, nonetheless, she was ecstatic.

"I'll write to you dad." He only rustled her hair with his free hand and nodded. 

"I know you will, say hi to Vicky and Patrick for me." She nodded in response to this and stepped inside the fireplace. "Make sure to study hard!" Sara Lin groaned at that and her father merely chuckled at his daughter's displeased response. They both knew she struggled greatly with her studies, but she always managed to make him proud with her Acceptable grades at the end of the term. Sara lin took a deep breath and threw the powder down, saying her destination. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sara Lin greeted passing students as she made her way through the train. There were a lot of new students who were excited to see what houses they'd get into, while others were greeting their friends.  The energy on the train warmed her heart and she felt at peace knowing she was back at School.  She stepped inside the compartment farthest of the Hogwarts Train. Patrick was already taking up an entire seat's room by sprawling his body on it. His rat was rested on his stomach, eating popcorn from a bag nuzzled between Patrick's arms. Sara Lin shook her head as she sat next to Vicky, who was reading the Daily Prophet. Her cat was seated calmly beside her, watching the rat through slitted eyes. As she sat down, Vicky put down her newspaper and smiled up at her.

"Sara Lin how'd you sleep?" The question was most likely referring to the incident during her birthday, Sara cringed just remembering the blatant rejection. How can a boy be so rude, he wasn't even considerate towards a girl's poor feelings. Then again, her question wasn't so great either and so the double standard was quite high. If Joe Yang ever heard about this, she would be mortified. Not only was Joe Yang smart, but he was the seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team. Every witch and wizard knew of him across the School, not only was he popular but he was the sweet wizard there was. 

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