⤷ v. The Vile

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The Vile

         Sara Lin felt awful, after last night she hadn't gotten any sleep. She skipped breakfast and was grateful that it was Thursday, she had a free period. She decided to go to the corner desk in the library hidden behind aisles of muggle books, the only safe spot in the entire Library. Resting her head on the cool desk, she shut her eyes. She still hadn't finished her paper, but she had three more days until it was due, so perhaps she would have time. Joe was busy with Vicky, while Patrick and Tammy were in their own classes. They were not blessed with an amazing schedule as she was. Which was unfortunate since she was alone most of the time. She was going to rest in the common room, but there were two students snogging, as they put it. Her dorm room also had the tie trick was a queue for the other dormmates to not enter. 

"Well well, a muggle in the muggle section. Why am I not surprised to see you here Lin?" The nasal voice made Sara Lin pick her head up to look at the brown-haired Slytherin, two other students were present as well. "You look grotesque Lin, which is usually normal but you look more grotesque than usual." Her voice was loud, making Sara Lin's head throb even more. 

She did not have any patience to deal with the Slytherin and yet she was too drained to even speak up. Courtney walked closer until she stood an inch away from the Gryffindor student. 

"Did Joe Yang break up with you? Oh wait, you aren't even together." 

"Bug off Courtney, I'm not in the mood to deal with you." Sara replied, trying to remain even-tempered before she exploded. 

"My oh my, Sara Lin. Did your mum never teach you manners?" A cold grin made its way onto her painted lips and she leaned in closer. "Oh wait, I forgot. She croaked over after realizing she gave birth to a mudblood." Sara Lin felt her blood turn cold and her hand slowly reached for the wand on her desk until she felt someone's cold hands rest upon her own, preventing her.

She looked up to see Oliver Yang, his demeanor was as cold as ever. It's been two weeks since she has come across the subway boy, they would exchange smart remarks passing by in the halls and remain civil in front of Joe. After all, Sara couldn't have Joe think she hated his brother.

"Courtney, Professor Cecil is looking for you. Maybe you should go see what she wants before she fails you." His tone was even and his eyes were narrowed from behind his lenses. The brown-haired girl merely nodded and she, along with the other two left. From what she understood, Oliver was basically some Prince in their house. Not only was he highly intelligent but he was the Golden Boy's little brother. Oliver retracted his hand and set down a vile in front of Sara Lin. "Drink this Sara Lin before you pass out."

She hesitated before opening it up to inspect the potion. 

"Calm down Sara Lin, I'm not pathetic at potions. Some of us actually take our grades seriously."  She gave him a pointed look before gulping down the potion, some color returned and she felt a bit better. "Your free period is almost up, you better start going before you miss it."

"Do you have my schedule memorized or something Subway-" She stopped short, her face turning scarlet and Oliver's expression was unreadable. Sara quickly covered her face with her D.A.D.A book, she just had to open her big mouth.

"Ah, so you do remember?" His green eyes flickered with mischief as he leaned closer. "Or did you try to convince yourself that I'd forget?" He asked as she peered up at him through her book.

"No, why would you assume that Oliver?" She asked, though she knew her voice did not sound certain at all, which was evident as amusement twisted Oliver's features. It was new to Sara Lin, being able to see the icy Yang brother look amused rather than his usual bored expression. 

"Whatever you say, Sara Lin, better run to class because you only have 5 minutes."  He replied walking away from the scene. "Oh and good luck with that essay of yours." 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"So you're telling me that Oliver Yang stopped you from hexing Courtney?" Vicky's shocked expression almost made Sara forget the stress bubbling up inside her stomach as she recalled the essay was still not complete. "Well, Joe did mention that Oliver despised Courtney and her clique." She commented, tapping her quill against her temple. 

"It just surprised me that he was nice, normally he can be so infuriating." Sara exclaimed quietly. "Remember the incident last week when he got me in trouble with the Professor for Divination?!" Just recalling the memory set off a fire within her, annoyance filled her head.

"Gee Sara Lin is thinking that hard for you?" An all too familiar voice echoed in the hall and Sara Lin turned to see Oliver Yang walking towards her. "Maybe you can spend less time thinking about my brother and more time thinking about how to read tea leaves." 

He quickly stepped over towards her, Sara watched in envy. Sometimes being tall had its perks she supposed. But the envy was washed away as she had to look up at his towering figure

"Gee Oliver, don't you have friends? Or is teasing your elders the only thing you looked forward to?" She responded back and at this he only shrugged, walking away. But before Sara could celebrate in victory she heard someone clear their throat, turning she saw the Professor.

"Sara Lin, are you making fun of lowerclassmen now?" 

Her untouched essay still remained in front of her as Vicky shrugged with a frown. 

"Well to be completely honest, you did say he had no friends," Vicky spoke up. "But you're the only one who gets something out of him, he's hard to talk to. Maybe you two could become friends?" The suggestion made Sara freeze as she looked at her cousin. 

"Oliver and I would never be friends!" She spoke up as Vicky's eyes widened behind her.

"Sara Lin, it seems every time there is a disturbance, it's always you." The librarian shook her head in disappointment as Sara accepted the point being taken from her house.  It was at that moment when Joe Yang walked in nodding at the retreating Librarian in a greeting.

"Great news! Oliver joined the Quidditch team!" Vicky clapped quietly with a large grin as Joe sat beside her, he greeted Sara but this time there was no skipping heart nor a blue. She simply smiled back and focused her attention back on the paper in front of her. As she dragged her quill across the parchment, she realized how much her crush on Joe has dwindled. Maybe it was the stress getting to her? Vicky and Joe were leaning towards each other as they discussed their homework, both Prefects were very serious about their work, unlike Sara who was already getting bored. She heard the chair beside her move and looked up to see Tammy who smiled.

"Hi Sara Lin, hope you don't mind me joining, Patrick is at practice." Sara shook her head with a smile.

"Not at all Tammy, how were your classes?"


I am hoping to have Tammy interact more with Sara Lin because I think Tammy is such an adorable character. Also, there will be slight time skips to speed up the story, I hope you don't mind. I was going to make this story a one-shot Hogwarts AU, sometimes I regret not doing it in the end.

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