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{ this is a fixed of the original version but this time based of wings of fire because yes}

The almost completely black dragon sits in a rain forest his wings twitched he was a mix between a night wing and a rain wing. His scales turned a bright blue his wings switched from black that turned into white became stripped red and white. His blue scales had white speckles that looked like stars. He smiled at it. He then changed his scales back to their original color. He walks towards a stream. And looked into it he could pass as I normally night wing if it weren't for his ability to shift the color of his scales. He blinks softly he was leaving the rainforest for the first time in his life he was beyond nervous. A dragon appeared next to him making himself scream and jump away his brother stood their and looked at him.

" Canada don't sneak up on me " the black dragon snapped. Unlike him Canada looks more like a rain wing of course lacking the venom shooting fangs.

" America I'm sorry I guess but let's go we have to get to jade academy " Canada smooth soft voice broke the silence that had settled. America nodded softly as both took flight. Not worried about saying goodbye to anyone due to them being outcast by both tribes. Also they didn't know their parents since both died defending them. They flew quietly jade academy recruiters had got lost in the jungle and found the two brothers. They lead the way out for them to both tribes then out of the forest when they where offered a chance to apply which they did just for kicks and giggles. They actually got accepted which surprised them. America got a night wing spot and Canada got a rain wing spot they where in the same winglet as well. America got nervous his scales shifted to match. His brother looked at him.

" you good?" Canada said

" yep I'm fine just nervous " he forced his scales back to their normal color. They finally reached the academy it was a mountain with a cave system running throughout. They land and looked at the different dragons having only heard of them it was quite a shook. Sky wings where huge and very red. America looked at Canada and noticed he was copying the red color. America rolls his eyes and looked away. Almost running into a sea wing he quickly stopped and let the sea wing pass. The sea wing was a deep green color and he seemed upset? Canada and America looked at eachother and enters the cave. They had to blink for their eyes to get use to the dark. A dragon stepped forward.

" hey welcome to jade academy what are your names!" The night wing smiled before frowning and looking at America. " I never seen you before I know every nightwing." She looked at Canada confused on why a rain wing and night wing appear together.

" oh I'm Canada and this is America" he said his scales changed to be white and his wings changed to red. He smiled at her as he was handed his stuff. America said thanks when he was given his.

" your in the same cave first tunnel six cave is yours " they both nodded and walked towards the tunnel when cold swept through the big area making America shiver. He looked back and saw three ice wings. Never mind about sky wings being big ice wing seemed bigger. Actually second glance they seemed more big in width where sky wings and hight. He was in the tunnel now it blocked the ice wings from view they make their way past mud wings, sand wings, sky wings, rain wings and sea wings. They go into the sixth cave and see some seaweed a hammock which America claimed Canada went and laid on some moss happily. So assumed they where sharing a cave with two others. America let the hammock slowly rock back and forth calming him down as he curled up. That's when he noticed the scrolls. He was over at them in a minute smiling happily as he looked through them finding one talking about stars. He then quickly retreated back to the hammock. His brother could sigh and say

" oh no you noticed the scrolls " his brother turned his scales to the color of the scroll America laughs at him as his brother scales shifted back to being completely white with red wings. That when the cold swept into the cave making both look up. A ice wing stood in the cave and looked at them unamused looked plastered on his face.

" this is the sixth cave?" He said his voice cold and distant made the brother look at each other.

" yes " America said looking at the ice wing again. It nodded then laid on a rock opposite of America's hammock. America watched the ice wing for a bit before going back to reading the scroll. A argument was started in the tunnel making all three dragons look towards the noise. America sighs then looked at the scroll again. Canada moves to look out into the tunnel too watch. The fighting was stopped by a teacher. Canada jumped out of the way as a angry sea wing marches into the cave and plopped down on the seaweed. Canada just blinks then sighs.

" hey America let's go exploring " America looked up and nodded closing the scroll and leaving it in the hammock. America stepped into the tunnel and spotted a bored with writing on it . He read what it said quickly in one glance they had today free of any class. He glanced at the walls and noticed the ice wing following them he said nothing but made eye contact before looking away. Canada looks in both directions when he left the tunnel. America stopped next to him as the ice wing reached he spoke.

" I hope you don't mind if I join you " his cold deep some what pretty voice said. America quickly chased that thought out of his head.

" I don't mind Canada?" He looks at his brother who just nodded a yes and kept walking. They walked all of the tunnels and entered the cafeteria or what ever it's called America honestly didn't care. They saw different dragons sitting about eating. America went towards the fruit with his brother following. America got a mango to eat. His brother looked at the options and frowns. The ice wings who said his name was Russia was sitting next to America as they watched Canada stare at the fruit. He looks up at them.

" I'm gonna go get a chicken" he said then looked at Russia who seemed shocked. " do you want something " Russia shook his head no as Canada turns with a defeated lift of his wings as he walked towards some chickens that coward in the corner some dragons noticed and watched confused. He got a chicken quickly killing it with a squeeze of his claws then walked away returning to his brother. The other dragons seemed so confused. The rain wings seemed petrified at the fact Canada killed the chicken. Russia looked at America to see if it was normal America didn't look upset or confused he was actually moving on too his second fruit. Canada say down and plucked the chicken then ate it. And everyone just watched.

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