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DEDICATION: Thank you to myloststars_ for all the sweet and encouraging comments.

"April!" Tristan yelled eagerly, relief quickly washing over him, as she and Josh entered the bar about an hour before closing.

Shortly after Lauren had finished a few quick sketches for Shawn at the restaurant, Josh drove her to the bar and dropped off April at their apartment. He promised to return to walk her back home. April planned on hanging out with some other friends at a different bar, but a mysterious text that read "HELP!" from Tristan made her cancel her plans and head over to The Bitter Night.

She gave him a curious look as she sauntered over to the counter, where Tristan and Lauren were standing on the other side, tidying up.

"What's going on?" April asked, scanning the half empty bar of mostly college kids drinking, talking, and playing darts.

Tristan leaned across the wooden surface and lowered his voice. "Kiss me possessively."

Knowing he would fill in the details after closing time, April didn't ask any questions. She stood on the lower railing, leaned across the bar, and cupped his face for a kiss. Her lips were soft and tentative at first, but then her tongue expertly slid between his lips and explored his mouth with an urgent heat. When Tristan groaned softly with enjoyment, she pulled back and smiled.

"What am I missing?" Josh asked amusingly, sitting on a bar stool and looking at Tristan and then at April.

Lauren placed a drink napkin and full bottle of beer in front of him. "He's got a fly desperately in love with him. She and her friends have been here all night."

April smirked, parking her butt on a stool next to Josh, and accepted a fresh Sidecar – a mix of brandy, lemon, and triple sec – from Tristan.

"I'm so close to turning into an arrogant jerk," Tristan muttered, running a hand through the pale pink tips of his hair. "I told her I'm not in love with anyone, and I'm not going home with her."

"Thinks she can change you?" Josh asked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.

Tristan rolled his eyes. "They all think that, but this one refuses to give up. It's like I'm a project to her."

"What do you need me to do?" April asked, glancing at a group of five girls glaring in her direction. "Need me to tell her to back off? Insult her sense of fashion? Tell her that I'm pregnant with your child?"

Tristan shook his head and chuckled at the last suggestion. "You're here. That's all I need."

"Really?" she asked skeptically, not believing a word.

"Fine," he scowled. "I'm preying on her insecurities. She's gorgeous, but she's also plagued with self doubt. If she wants a project, maybe she should work on her self esteem."

"I get it, man," Josh said, scratching the dark blonde fuzz on his chin. "They hear what they only want to hear and then analyze and dissect the shit out of it."

"I'm not sure if I should be proud of you for actually remembering this about her," Lauren said, wrinkling her nose at the conflict. "Or call you an asshole for playing head games with her, but then again, she hasn't left you alone."

April shrugged nonchalantly. "Obviously, she hasn't gotten the hints so I say do what you gotta do. Even if that means using her low self esteem against her."

"I don't want to be an asshole," Tristan clarified. "But I can't be the nice guy anymore. I'm hoping she'll leave me alone when she sees I'm taking the most stunningly beautiful girl in this bar home with me."

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