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TWO PRETTY GIRLS + ONE HOT FOOTBALL PLAYER = A THREESOME. If the words "cock ring," "dildo," and "anal" bother you then please skip to the next chapter. Thank you!

The crowd in the bar cheered loudly and wildly when Josh and Lauren returned – hand in hand – from the storage room

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The crowd in the bar cheered loudly and wildly when Josh and Lauren returned – hand in hand – from the storage room. They grinned at each other, listening to the claps and shouts.

The attention didn't bother Lauren because she wasn't ashamed of her open sexuality or active sex life. Not that her life was an open book, but she couldn't care less what others thought about her or her sex life. She was a normal college student with a strong sex drive – no shame in that.

Lauren curtsied and Josh bowed at the waist dramatically before she slipped behind the bar. Everett and Tristan stood by the cash register and pretended to wipe tears from their eyes.

"Our little girl," Everett quipped, with a fake sniffle. "I'm so proud of you."

Lauren rolled her eyes and focused on a customer ordering two vodka tonics with lime.

"She's not a girl anymore, Ev," Tristan corrected, shaking his head. "She's a woman now."

As Lauren took the cash from the customer, she quickly scanned the bar and noticed a significant absence. "Where's Jodie?"

The two guys exchanged serious glances before answering her question. "There's good news and bad news," Everett started. "The good news is Jodie quit!"

Lauren raised her arms victoriously in the air. "Finally!"

"You should really thank Josh's roomie, Mikey, because he seriously tore into Jodie," Tristan explained, jerking his head toward the end of the bar where Josh and Mikey joked around with their group of friends. "Jodie tried to laugh it off, saying she was just joking, but no one believed her."

"She looked really nervous when no one defended her," Everett added. "Her big ass tits weren't going to save her so she screamed something about everyone being out to get her because of her sexuality."

"She honestly made no sense." Tristan pushed fresh drinks toward a customer at the bar. "Then she started crying hysterically about being a victim when she realized customers were recording her outburst."

"She screamed she quit and threatened to sue everyone here." Everett sighed heavily. "The bad news is I grabbed a big fistful of tips and handed them to her before she left. I probably gave her more than half of the tips. Sorry, Lauren."

Her heart surged with love and appreciation for Everett and Tristan who pretty much knew everything about her after working countless hours together at the bar. Talking about life. Sharing their dreams. Gossiping like girls.

When Lauren had watched an expert tattoo artist replicate her pencil drawing of a cherry blossom on her side, she had discovered her dream – running her own tattoo shop. Drawing had always been her passion, her escape, but she knew she couldn't survive as an unknown artist. In the first five minutes of watching her design permanently become part of her, Lauren excitedly realized she didn't need to give up art in pursuit of a normal 9-to-5 job. During the two-hour appointment, she had drilled the artist about everything he knew about tattoos.

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