chapter 1: RUN!

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(Hey guys, I know this has come up a lot in the comments but please for this story dont mind the name calling too much. It's a Underfell book after all. So please, bear with it, it's for the plot. Thanks a lot.)

You manage to get out of the ruins. That crazy lady in there had hurt you pretty badly. You don't think she meant to but you had blood running down your shoulder. You take off your sweatshirt and bandage your shoulder. It's so cold here so you put a heavy hoodie on over your tank top and look around. Well even if its cold your extra body fat will help keep you warm. It's a beautiful place. Snow is everywhere. You know the monsters aren't nice though. 
"I gotta go. Things could be bad." You say to yourself. You race down the path trying to stay away from any and all monsters. You weren't a fighter so they could hurt you easily. You hear a branch behind you snap and you run faster. In the distance you see a smudge of black and red so you veer off into the woods. You had to get away. Suddenly a weight was on your back. You struggle to get it off but it was no use. Suddenly you see red glowing bones all around you.
"Hey there. Don't move and you don't get hurt." You hear a deep accented voice. It sounded like he had a Brooklyn accent but how? "Now, my boss'll be 'ere soon. I'll say it again though. Don't move." The weight gets off you and you hear footsteps coming around you. You close your eyes and hide as much of your face as you could in the snow. "Wow, you seem scared, kitten. I won't kill ya. Yet." The voice said. 
"SANS! SANS WHERE IS IT?!" You hear a loud voice call. Whoever it was they sounded mean. 
"Over 'ere Boss." The voice you can only assume to be Sans calls back. 
You hear snow crunching with heavy steps before you're yanked up by your hood. You cower more in fear but don't move. 
"HUMAN! YOU WILL COME WITH ME, THE TERRIBLE PAPYRUS,  AND MY LAZY ASS BROTHER SANS. YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE AS LAZY AS HE IS THOUGH. I HAVE CAPTURED YOU SO YOU ARE MY PRISONER! WE ARE GOING NOW.  SANS, COME ON YOU LAZY BASTARD." Papyrus said. He throws you over his shoulder and starts walking to what you can only assume is a town. You look at Sans walking behind you before you black out from blood loss.
@Sans POV@
I noticed that the human looked at me before their eyes rolled up into its head.
"Um boss?" I ask as I follow him.
"The human don't look good."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Boss puts it down and looks at it strangely. Its shoulder has a dark red spot that's only getting bigger.
"I can take it to the shed if you want. I know you wanna take its soul when it's not injured." I say.
"SANS WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?" Boss said out of curiosity. 
"Well. Humans when they get hurt have this red stuff that comes outta them. Looks like its hurt pretty badly." I say. That was a lot of blood on its hoodie. I mean if I get it somewhere secluded I can stop that. I know boss wants it healthy to fight it and prove that he's stronger than Undyne. "Want me to take care of it so it don't die before its supposed to?"
"YES, THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM. YOU MAY AS WELL." I nod and grab the human and teleport to the shed. Taking its hoodie off I see it had an undershirt on. It looks pretty overweight too, oh well, ain't my problem. 
There's a bloody bandage wrapped shitty around its shoulder but its soaked through with blood. Not good. I cut the bandage off and see slashes along with burns all over the shoulder and I swear. Not fucking good. I bring the medical kit I keep stored there and look through it. I take out a needle and thread out. I don't have skin but the kit came with it and throwing it out would be a waste of money. I work on making sure this human wont die and once I finish I bandage the wound properly. Well this is gonna be a shit ton of work. 

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