Part 48 - The conference

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As soon as the pair realized that they had a way out of that hellhole, no one could stop them from running away from that room. They only aimed for the exit like two mad men just out of an asylum. Mark was the first to get up from the floor. He helped Jackson up too and pushed past the 4 worried people surrounding them. Ignoring their questions and desperate looks, the American and the rapper forced their wobbly legs to work and dashed to the deck, where they swiftly jumped into the sea. Everybody on the yacht turned around to see who were the two bodies that disappeared into the nightly dark waters. Even the thumping music had stopped, and suddenly the railing of the deck was filled with curious looks and alarmed gasps.

A confused Jinyoung, who was beside an alarmed Kwon, urgently scanned the crowd and after some minutes of surveying each side of the deck, he met JB's terrified gaze from afar. The singer noticed the other three terrified members beside the leader, but he couldn't find his husband with them. When Bambam and Yugyeom started screaming Jackson and Mark's name, Jinyoung's heart almost stopped. Kwon noticed the terror in his eyes, and immediately threw life vests and liferings in the water. The submersible lights of the yacht illuminated the dark waves around the vessel but no movement could be seen inside the water.

Only after a couple of minutes, the pair was seen swimming back to the yacht. They looked extremely tired and out of breath. Kwon's guests surrounded them quickly, but it was an angry voice that addressed them first.

"Why the hell did you jump?" JB asked exasperated, moving through the crowd. The owner of the yacht followed the leader, still not sure of what was going on. The actor didn't remember seeing Got7 in the guest list, but he didn't mind having Jinyoung friends onboard. He'd never forbid one of his guests to go for a swim, but judging by the appalled expression on his ex's face, he had to find out what the fuss was all about. Kwon soon ordered his crew members to provide towels to his soaked guests, but as soon as a stewardess brought them, JB savagely took the towels from her hands and shoved into their directions.

"We floated a bit. Too tired to swim." Jackson answered shortly, his voice raspier than usual.

"Jesus! Are you guys, okay? Didn't you hear us screaming your names? Why didn't you respond?" Youngjae was in front of the two, helping to dry Mark's hair.

"Perhaps the heat fried their eardrums!" Bambam suggested, clearly nervous and annoyed by the whole situation. His plan had obviously failed and he hated to think that his two bandmates could have died inside that sauna room. It was his idea to get GOT7 on that yacht and if something happened to his hyungs, he couldn't help but blame himself.

"Our voices are not in the best condition right now." Replied a hoarse Mark. Within a second Jinyoung was beside the elder with a supportive hand around his waist. He seemed anxious to hear the whole story, but whatever went wrong with their plan it didn't matter to him right now. He could only focus his attention on the shirtless trembling body that still felt hot against his skin.

"Babe, what happened? Where's your shirt? You're shaking, and you're too warm. You don't look fine. I'm gonna get you home, okay? We're leaving now." The wide-eyed singer talked nonstop as he touched Mark's forehead and examined his flushed features. The younger didn't even give the American a chance to answer him properly. He just took the towel from Youngjae's hands and wrapped it around his husband's shoulders. However, when Jinyoung moved to drag Mark away, a hand on his chest stopped him.

"No! Wait. We gotta get these two to a hospital. Can you bring us some fucking water here, please?!" Yugyeom shouted the last sentence at some members of the crew. Everyone eyed him surprised. The maknae's suggestion was wise and thoughtful.

"Why do they need a hospital? They obviously can swim. I don't what the fuss is about." The owner of the yacht stared at the group with a questioning look on his face. It bothered him how much his ex-boyfriend looked so concerned about the American. Jinyoung had just told him that his marriage was hanging by a thread, and they had even set up a date for tomorrow morning.

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