Part 9 - The virgin

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Mark awoke to the sound of his annoying doorbell. He carefully got up from his bed trying his best not to disturb his dongsaeng's sleep. He wondered who the hell could be at his door at 4 AM. He had to be ready for practice at 6, and he needed all the sleep he could get. When he looked through the peephole in his door no one was there. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about that. He felt like he was taking part in a cheap horror flick. And he did what every single stupid character do in that kind of situation. He opened the door wide to make sure no one was there. He was about to sigh in relief when he saw the envelope laying in front of his door. He gazed at it with anticipation and it took him a few minutes to move. His trembling hands picked it up, and quickly read the note inside it.

'I'm back. Do not tell a soul. I want to surprise the others.'


Mark felt like screaming as hatred found its way inside him. His life started going downhill since this anonymous letters started coming. Got7 had to pause their activities, somebody had tried to kill him, Jinyoung had given up on his love for him, Jackson's jealousy had reached its boiling point, JB started questioning his own leadership in the group and all of them had to face the hideous side effects of global fame. Discretion, privacy, freedom, independency, safety and peace of mind were little by little disappearing from their path to glory. If once they were disappointed about being not so prominent in South Korea, now they wished they weren't. That red car incident and Jackson's heroic act did that to them. It was the first time a Kpop group was being taken seriously by the general public in the country. They were on the papers, magazines, video games, graphic novels, social media and books. Even academics were writing articles about the danger of being a target of sasaengs in Korea. A movie contract was also offered to them, but it was declined by JYP. The notability they sought for so long, turned into an unwanted attention that consumed the band and changed their routine forever. Being renowned in Korea was a problem they weren't prepared to face. Especially Mark. It had been difficult for him to find his way back to top with so much shit piling up around him. If it wasn't for letter2u, he would've never kissed Jinyoung, and certainly he would have never considered his own feelings for his dongsaeng. Perhaps, that trip to Macao would've never happened, because Jus2 would be busy with Got7. And finally, he would still be in a relationship with Jackson, since he wouldn't have to witness the cracks in his personality. Mark believed that whatever drove the Chinese to hurt him so deeply, was previously influenced by letter2u schemes. That situation could not go on. It was a rocky moment for him. The American hurried to his bathroom cabinet and threw all pills and capsules he had there inside the toilet and flushed them. If that psycho was back, the idol wouldn't be caught off guard. He needed to be sober, fully aware of his surroundings. Being sedated would only give letter2u a chance to fuck with his mind again and harm Got7's comeback again. Now he wouldn't let that happen, he would be waiting for the stalker to strike. Mark suddenly realized that it was time to fight back, though he didn't know how to do it, he was set to do something, anything, to get rid of that sasaeng once and for all.

He checked the cameras to see if he could get a glimpse of the one who had left that note on his doorsteps. Yet, soon he found out that none of the cameras were working. Nothing was recorded, so still he had no idea of who could be his the author of those notes. Frustrated, he lit a cigarette and looked at the clock. He still had one hour before practice. So he made himself a smoothie, left some for Youngjae and left for the gym. Working out would get his mind off things for a while and building some muscles wasn't a bad idea if he planned to keep his mind and body healthy. He just didn't expect to find a familiar face there.

"What are you doing here?" a surprised Jinyoung asked him, as he ran a hand through his slightly wet hair. Sweat soaked his tank top, revealing his sculpted abs. Mark couldn't help but lick his lips as he admired the sight before him.

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