Part 11 - The beginning

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Jackson's parents flew to Korea as soon as they heard the news. They definitely hated that country. For the second time their son's group was brutally targeted by an anonymous individual, who the authorities seemed to be unable to capture. If they could've moved their son to a hospital in Hong Kong they'd have done it immediately, but doctors informed them and JYPE that, although his life wasn't at risk, the rapper might need a throat surgery and he needed to be in observation. Ahgases all over the world blamed JYPE for not securing the 7 boys as they should, after all it was a snack served by the staff that poisoned Jackson. All the others who ate the food at the FanMeeting didn't have any problems, so it seemed that the rapper was the main target this time. Police started investigating if the previous attempt to Mark's life was connected to this new attempt to Jackson's, but as expected, it would take time to question every single person who attended that meeting, including the staff. The six members of the group went to their social media express their sadness for what happened that day and they also asked their fans to pray for the Chinese's fast recovery. They also mentioned that the company increased the security at each member's homes and that Ahgases shouldn't fear for their safety at the moment. Nevertheless, focus on Jackson. Everyone's biggest fear was the possibility of a permanent loss of voice. Nobody wanted to hear that Jackson's throat injury could hinder his career as a musician. And if it eventually happened, he'd probably have a hard time accepting it. Got7, his fans and the kpop world would never be the same again.

Three days passed and no one was allowed to see Jackson at the hospital yet, but his own family. The other members wanted to see him, but they weren't allowed to leave their apartments, for their own safety. They talked to each other through the group chat most of the time, but Mark wasn't much responsive as expected. The other 5 members knew he felt guilty somehow, since everything happened after their fight, but only the American knew that he was the one directly responsible for Jackson's state. He made a cruel choice and although he felt bad about it, he was relieved that no harm was done to Jinyoung. He wouldn't be able to breathe if anything happened to his dongsaeng. And truth to be told, whoever he picked, would never be a good choice. He didn't like being alone at his apartment, not now that he had no Valium to numb him down, nor a cigarette to distract him. Guilt ate at him. He tried to remind himself that the guy who was laying in that hospital bed was the same that raped, betrayed and manipulated him. Yet, it was all of the beautiful and old memories of their relationship that plagued his mind. He felt like shit, or worse, like a murderer. He wondered if he should go to the police, tell them about letter2u's note, the phone message and his reply. But then he thought about Jackson's parents, and how his mother would curse at him, and how his father would probably regret giving the couple his blessing when they started dating. He thought about his members and how they'd be disappointed. He knew Bambam would censure him more, since he's the closest to the Chinese. And certainly all of the others would think he did it for revenge.

He stared out his window and he felt tempted to jump, but soon, one of the security guards outside signaled him to close his curtains. Shit, he couldn't even have privacy while contemplating suicide. He certainly needed to increase his JYP dose. Suddenly an idea crossed his mind. He climbed his own window and sat there, wearing a maniacal smile on his face. Three securities were already on alert. 'Take me out of here, or I'll jump.' He screamed at them, and soon he was in front of Jinyoung's door, with the three securities behind him.

"What are you doing here!?" the singer asked as he opened the door to let him in. The three securities stayed outside guarding the entrance.

"I convinced them to let me come here. Where's your security?" Mark asked casually as he entered the living room.

"They are making their rounds in the building. Look, I still have a drama to finish, Mark. This is not a good time. With all this craziness going on, I barely have time to concentrate on my own lines." Jinyoung answered him, as he held a paper in front of his face. It seemed that Mark interrupted him while he tried to memorize his character's lines. He sat elegantly on the sofa as he quietly read to himself. Mark didn't like that, since they were boyfriends now, he was expecting a warmer welcome. The singer was ignoring him and he couldn't bear his indifference.

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