16. Let's find her - Part 3

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A/N pov

Both of them kept walking as Jimin kept checking for Hazel.

His eyes must be adjusted to the darkness, Bell thought as he navigated her while Bell kept her eyes on the ground to make sure she doesn't trip or fall on something.

You can never be sure of anything in Hogwarts.

After a few more steps Jimin came to a stop.

"What happened?" She asked from behind him.

"Uhhh," He turned, "It gets a bit bumpy here so light is needed."

Due to her wand only available for both of them, they were walking quite close. His soft breathing, coupled with the sounds made from their shoes was the only thing that could be heard.


Where could she be? Taehyung thought as him and Jin turned another corner.

Upon hearing sounds of footsteps, he stopped moving and signalled Jin to stop walking too. Jin looked confused at first but, understood everything once he heard them too.

They carefully, walked towards the sound, making sure their shoes don't make any sound. Taehyung slowly reached under his cloak to take out his wand and that's when another realization hit him.

Y/n had taken my wand!

He stopped at another corner. If he walked around this corner, he would be able to see the source of the sound.

He glanced at Jin to see him making an annoyed expression at him.

He probably thinks that me stopping here is useless...well I don't have my wand Jin!

Jin kept walking and turned around the corner, Taehyung on his heels.

Jin started running right after, causing Taehyung to see who was there. He joined Jin right after he saw who was there.



"I think we should check the Owlery," Jungkook suggested.

"I think that it's better to go to the Astronomy Tower first," Y/N said.

"I still think checking the Owlery first is better," Jungkook said, emphasizing the word 'first'.

Does he still want to boss me around?! This isn't quidditch!

But still, if I'm rude now he will take his revenge during Quidditch practices.

"But I'm still sticking to what I said," Y/N replied, trying very hard not to let her anger show. "Yoongi, what do you think?" She turned towards the Slytherin.

"I think you both are wrong," he simply stated.

The heck...? Both of the Gryffindors were taken back.

Yoongi turned around and started walking away, "I have another place in mind."

"We are supposed to go together..." Jungkook mumbled.

But it was loud enough for Yoongi to hear.

"You both are not agreeing on one place so I'm going to my place too," He told as he walked.

"Fine then! I'm going to the Astronomy Tower too then," Y/N announced as she turned to head towards the Tower, "Jungkook can go to the Owlery alone if he wants to go there so badly, without a wand." She said the last part with a sneer towards Jungkook.

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