13. Where is Hazel?

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Y/N pov

I just stared in his eyes, too shocked to do anything else. Looking at his widened eyes, I could tell he was also shocked enough to freeze on the spot.

After staying in that position for a few more moments, I regained my senses. And realized that...


And by looking at him, he didn't look like he was going to let go of me anytime soon. So I lightly cleared my throat, fortunately, the sound bought him back to reality. He finally blinked and then realized in which position we were in.

He steadied me on my feet and then quickly let me go.

"A-are you ok?" he said, I looked at him to see that he was covering half of his face with his arm.

Did I...did I accidentally hit him while falling???

"Yeah, I'm fine...thanks," I replied, embarrassed by the fact that I just made a fool out of myself in front of someone other than Bell.

He let out a light 'Hmm' and looked down, still not removing his arm from his face.

"Are you hurt?" I asked him.

He looked at me, "You were the one who fell, why would I get hurt?"

"You have your arm...on your face..." I told him matter-of-factly, pointing at his arm.

He quickly looked down, "N-no, it's...nothing..."

I was going to tell him that people don't put their arm on their face for no reason, but he beat me to it.

"I-I just remembered I have something to do...bye!" he said before sprinting off.

"Take rest!" he added while running.

I just chuckled at his awkwardness and walked towards the Gryffindor common room.



I opened my eyes to the morning sunlight, then I heard a yawn. Squinting, I looked at my side to see Bell stretching her arms out. Her hair messed, indicating she woke up at the same time too.

She stood up from her bed, walked over to my bed, and sat on it. I was just laying, not wanting to sit up.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Bell asked.

"Not now..." I replied.

She sighed, "Y/N...you will feel a lot better if you talk about something which is bothering you."

"I know, but I don't want to talk about it right now, not in the morning."

"Ok, take your time," she said while patting my head.

"Seriously Bell, you are treating me like a little kid," I told her.


Jimin pov

I woke up earlier than I usually do, thanks to Yoongi. I really have no idea what is going on his head these days.

He has been quite enthusiastic about hanging out with Stormy, Namjoon, Hoseok and even Airhead. I knew he became friends with Jin mostly due to the fact that they were both prefects and were in the same year and that he could use some company while doing his prefect duties. But I never thought he would want to become friends with more people.

Not that I am complaining though. Actually, I kinda expected the handouts with them to be boring but they were not that bad. 

Especially yesterday's breakfast...it was quite fascinating to watch. I never expected to see Jungkook there and his behaviour was more interesting to see.

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