9. Unexpected Friends

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Namjoon pov

After talking for some more time in the library, we all agreed to go to our common rooms as it was starting to get quite late. We exited the library together and still talked until we had to go to our separate routes.

I have to admit, I really liked talking to them. Usually, I am not that good in socializing and that's one of the main reasons I have no friends except Hobi.

He doesn't get bothered if I start talking awkwardly with him, I really like him for that. That's why I always cherish our friendship.

But I was really surprised when Y/N, Bell, Jin and Yoongi sat with us and talked in such a friendly manner. Nobody ever talked to me that way, everyone always judged me and always thought of my quietness as arrogance.

I just didn't want others to feel uncomfortable with my awkwardness so I never really bothered to make any new friends. I was just happy as long as Hobi was my friend.

I really feel grateful and happy because of them. I walked back towards the Ravenclaw common room with a big smile on my face. I wish we could talk like this more and become good friends.


As soon as I entered the common room, I got surprised by seeing Professor Flitwick coming towards me.

"Ah, yes I wanted to talk to you Namjoon," He said and my brain went into a frenzy of thinking of all the possible things he could talk about.

Did I get low marks in my latest charms work? Did I disappoint him?

"This is a bit late, but I am appointing you as the new Ravenclaw prefect," he said.

"M-me Professor? But why? I am sure we have many Ravenclaws who are a lot better than me," I told him. I don't want to be a prefect...

"You are a very hardworking student so I believe you deserve it," Professor Flitwick said handing me the badge.

I really couldn't do anything but accept it.

I smiled and thanked him, then quickly headed straight to my room.

I sighed and sat on the corner of my bed, and stared at the badge, which was reflecting the lights, looking as if it was glowing. I took a deep breath, put the badge on my side, and then lay down on my bed, waiting for the sleep to take over me.


I opened my eyes due to the sunlight hitting them. After I was fully awake, I started to get ready for the day, wearing my robes as usual. But today there might be a slight change in the usual routine...

I turned my head to see my prefect badge sitting on my side table, glistening in the sunlight.

I took it and placed in it my side pocket. Not now... I told myself and started to head down to have breakfast.

I went and sat in my usual place at the Ravenclaw table, waiting for Hobi, he surely will know how to motivate me.

As expected, he came walking towards me with a cheerful expression, I smiled and greeted him as he sat down next to me.

"Morning Joon... Gosh, I am really hungry today," He said as he started to make breakfast for himself.

 I nodded and started to spread butter on a slice of bread. Maybe telling him right now about it wouldn't be a good idea...

"Good morning, Hoseok and Namjoon," I heard a smooth voice.

I raised my head to see Jin looking at us with a wide smile. We both greeted him as he sat next to me. He is sitting next to me? Nobody ever sat with us before during breakfast.

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