12. I'm sorry, my friend

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Taehyung pov

Though it was not that obvious, I did saw Kook's stare at Hoseok's arm which was on Y/N. Normally, any friend would just ignore it. But, I knew it wasn't something to ignore.

Because that stare held a lot. That stare was full of so many things.

And among all the people, only I knew that.

Because I was the only one who knew Kook from our first year...he has been through a lot. It hurt me when I saw that stare.

I wish I could help you, my friend. I wish I could help you solve your problems, but I can do nothing. Nothing except comfort you.


When all of us finished our breakfast and had stood up to go to our classes. I couldn't help but glance at Y/N.

She looked deep in her thoughts. She probably wasn't even aware of her surroundings anymore. Bell was holding her arm as if she was also aware that Y/N had zoned out.

I wonder what happened to her during breakfast. She was fine when we had joined them.

After saying goodbyes, we all dispersed to go to our classes.


I walked beside Kook as his and my first class were in the same direction from the dining hall. But something was nagging me while I walked beside him.

He looked pissed...

Please tell me he's not pissed at me. Please tell me he's not pissed at me.

He was avoiding to look at my direction.

Okay...he is pissed with me.

I knew he would be mad...but I never thought he would be this much mad.

I should talk to him before the classes start, and knowing him, I knew he would not be the one to start the conversation.

So I had to begin.


"Don't even bother apologizing," he cut me off.

"I'm really sorry, I thought that-"

"I don't care what you thought! Now listen carefully...I will not sit with them ever again." He told me in a stern tone.

I stopped walking. I didn't think that Jungkook would get so angry.

I felt guilty.

Why did I think that sitting with them would be a good idea? Why did I insist him to do something which I knew would eventually hurt him?

He also stopped walking when he saw me. He turned and faced me.

His anger had disappeared and was replaced by concern as soon as he saw my face.

"Tae...I'm sorry," he spoke as softly as he could, his mind must be going crazy right now.

"No Kook, it was my fault," I replied, "I knew everything...but I still made you sit with all of them."

"You were only trying to help me...but I...I just...," he said trying to find words. His hands were going through his hair roughly, disheveling his combed hair. A habit he does when a ton of emotions are going through him.

I put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him from making his hair more dishevelled.

"I understand Kook, you don't need to explain," I spoke with a smile, making the boy in front of me to give a small smile. 

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