17. Taehyung's Observation

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3rd Person POV

The rest of the classes seemed longer than usual for Y/N. There were many reasons for that.

Bell is still angry with Hazel and it doesn't seem like she is gonna let go of it any time soon.

Speaking of Hazel, she was never this much careless, she might forget other things but she would never forget to meet someone especially when she has agreed to it.

Taehyung asked to have a talk with me privately. It was quite odd of him, considering the fact that we never really had any good conversation except the first time we met and on the train this year.

Suddenly she had a replay of the moment with Jungkook. She had to look down on her book to make sure she doesn't embarrass herself due to any possible blushing.

That was extremely unusual of him to do something like that. Him carrying her a few days ago was the closest they had ever physically gotten. And even that was because she was incapable of walking by herself those times.

He could've easily just told me about the extra Quidditch practice. Then why did he felt the need to pin me to a wall? That was so unlike him...

History of Magic was the hardest class to be attentive in, now coupled with the recent events, it was impossible for Y/N to give any attention to the lecture. After what felt like hours, the class had finally ended. Y/N and Bell had started walking towards the Gryffindor common room. Bell hadn't talked to her much after they had found Hazel. Y/N had thought that it was better to leave Bell alone for some time.


As soon as they reached the Fat Lady's portrait, Y/N looked around to see a Hufflepuff boy surrounded by at least twelve Gryffindor girls.

Bell glanced at his direction and then spoke the password to the picture, pretending she didn't see a whole crowd right next to her. The picture moved to let her in. She went in and turned around to see her best friend still standing in the hallway. Bell gave her a confused look.

"You go in. I'll come afterwards, I need to go somewhere."

Bell nodded at her friend and closed the picture-door shut.

Maybe meeting near the Gryffindor dormitory wasn't a good idea. Y/N thought while eyeing the crowd of girls which were trapping Taehyung.

Taehyung had a big smile plastered on his face as he listened to the crowd. He glanced towards Y/N, a smile still on his face. But it was obvious he was asking her to help him out of here.

She walked towards the crowd.

"Everyone, let Taehyung go. Jin has asked me to bring Taehyung to him," she confidently lied.

"But why does Jin want him?" one of the girls asked.

"Who knows? But it must be important so you guys have to let him go. Now," she said the last word sternly.

Taehyung watched in surprise as some of the girls started to move towards the portrait, accepting their defeat. Y/N blood started boiling when she saw that a few were still standing with him.

They're just trying to look strong in front of Taehyung. They wouldn't dare try to piss me off if he wasn't here.

Y/N was about to open her mouth to give them the lecture of their life when Taehyung interrupted her.

"Y/N, why don't we start going to J-Jin?"

"Yeah," she said with gritted teeth, giving the rest of the girls a deadly death stare.

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