Part 2.3

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y/n pov

There was a silence as we all looked at Jungkook
   'what?' I asked
   'I can train you if yoongi is busy'
   'uhm' I surely was hesitant, but I saw Yoongi with his begging eyes looking at me and indicating I should accept.

'sure, why not' I said and a smile appeared on basically everyone's' face.

Yoongi and Jimin simultaneously got up from the table.
    'see you tomorrow?' Jimin nudged at Jungkook. 'sure'

They left and that again meant that me and Jungkook were alone.
    'so let's meet in half an hour in the training room?' Jungkook asked and I nodded in agreement.

I changed into my training outfit which was basically a black trousers and top. I was aware that my body showed pretty well in these clothes, I mean it showed my cleavage and curves in a good light. but I never cared so I wasn't going to start now.

I arrived early and Jungkook was not there yet, I dumped my bag on the ground and as I was getting the water bottle out I suddenly felt someone's arm around my neck in a headlock. I immediately went into a shock state.

Was I going to die now? 

    'first rule love, always be focused'
    'second rule, don't freeze'

I recognized Jungkook's voice and after he let me go I turned around, he smirked. The anger boiled up inside of me. 

    'what the fuck man, you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack. what the fuck I thought you were someone send by Kai to kill me'

His smirk disappeared, probably not expecting my strong reaction

   'hey chill out, love, sorry but you really need to learn this'
   'ugh whatever' I said and I was ready to leave
   'so you've been scared once and now you already giving up?' he asked

He was right though and I was annoyed, again.

No way I was going to give up and give him the satisfaction of being right. so I went back.

   'then please teach me instead of just attacking me' 

He smiled faintly 'sure love'

I only now had a chance to observe that Jungkook was also wearing black training clothes. It must have been the first time I saw him not in a suit. and it weirdly turned me on a bit. 

I quickly suppressed those feelings though; I mean it was Jungkook ugh.

We first did some shooting exercises and Jungkook was actually a really good teacher. Later we switched to self defense. It was kind of weird to attack Jungkook but he was really like "professional" about it. 

Sometimes, while training with Yoongi we would joke around but Jungkook was behaving as if it was a real life situation.

At the end Jungkook looked at me.
   'If you want I can teach you more often'
    'that would be nice' I said.

And as it turned out this happened faster than I expected. 

Yoongi had called for a meeting that next day. As I arrived I saw Jungkook in the hallway

   'do you know what's going on?' I asked as Yoongi had said nothing about what we were going to discuss. Jungkook shook his head

   'no idea'.

We arrived at the room and Jungkook opened the door for me, I entered the room and he followed. We took place in our seats, Jimin and Yoongi were already sitting there.

    'so, you are all here because I received a letter from Kai'

I instantly felt anxious.

   'he uhm explains in this letter that he will do anything to avenge his brother, which means he will put all his efforts on getting y/n and well, killing her'

All three of them looked at me. 

    'I have discussed it with Jimin, and we think it would be best if y/n stays here in Busan in one of the guest houses on your property. The question is if you are okay with this Jungkook? because I cannot lead the Daegu gang and worry about y/ns safety all the time'

    'that is not a problem for me' Jungkook indicated

     'and I don't have a say in this?' I said thinking about the fact I wouldn't be able to visit Taehyung.

    'uhm no' they all said together. 

    'that's fucked up' I couldn't hide my anger.

Yoongi sighed annoyed

    'y/n we are trying to keep you alive. you can keep training with Jungkook and you can do some business related stuff you are doing now remotely. Kai would not dare to come here to get you'

I took a deep breath because he was right, and Yoongi had already done so much for me. 

I eventually agreed and thus here I was, stuck in Busan and training every other day with Jungkook.

He was really growing on me though, he was smart and sometimes even funny.

But damn the guy was with another girl every time I saw him. I basically stopped caring about their names in the second week because it didn't matter; I would never see the same girl twice.

I came to understand that his reputation really preceded him. 

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