Seven | Nocturnal Serenade

Comincia dall'inizio

"A-ah, yes!"

She takes in the appearance of her new companion. Her complexion is the typical pale palette of a vampire, but nothing about her is normal. Her hair is a fiery red, cascading in a braid down to her shoulders to kiss her dress. The dress itself was black lace, accented with gold threads.

They were the same colour as her eyes.

The rest of her angelic features were concealed by a black lace mask, though the bottom half of her face is left exposed to reveal a pair of plump lips painted in blood red.

"Allow me to introduce myself." She offers a hand. "My name is Seraphina Dufort. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lancaster."

"How did you know my name?" Alyssia hesitates to take the strange woman's hand, but does so tentatively.

"Why, everybody knows of the little human girl who has caught the eyes of the Seven." She says. Her eyes are ablaze, boring into Alyssia's own. "Though I must admit I've never been one for politics myself."

Alyssia looks at her in confusion.

"Everybody wants to get close to them, you know? And you're a new way to do that."

Following Seraphina's gaze, she finally notices the hungry gazes of those around her, and realises the boys are nowhere to be found. Subconsciously Alyssia steps towards her new guardian, and Seraphina chuckles.

"Easy, chick. I give you my word that I won't let anything happen to you." The vampiress smiles kindly, a smile which Alyssia can't help but return. "We're friends after all."

The moment is quickly ruined, something catching the redhead's attention. Her expression turns grave.

"If you'll excuse me." With the final farewell, the vampiress turns her back and disappears into the crowd.


"Ah! Master Jungkook!"

Alyssia turns to the call, startled. She's begun to think he wouldn't show.

It was the first time she'd seen Jungkook since the incident, and it was understandable why the boys were so worried.

He was thin, and startlingly pale. He looked almost like a skeleton, his appearance only being made worse by the deep dark circles beneath his eyes. His mouth was set into a small frown, and his already dark eyes had seemed to have lost the silver flecks that had filled them with life.

Now he just looked, well, dead.

His eyes draw lazily over the crowd, not listening to the man at all, and then they land on her. They both tense, neither making the first move. And then, he begins to shuffle towards her.

Unmoving, she allows him to approach, although he keeps a fair distance.

"Forgive me." He says. "I shouldn't have scared you the way I did."

She pauses for a moment, unsure of how to reply. Then, a thought crosses her mind.

Taking the rose from her hair, she looks at it fondly. He tenses as she lifts it towards him, placing the flower so it's fixed within his pocket.

He looks at her with surprise. She says nothing as she smiles weakly, turns, and walks away.

He fingers the rose's petals, watching as her form is swept away into the crowd.


"How's it going princess?"

Alyssia turns to the voice, finding Yoongi smirking at her. She sighs at the familiar sight.

"Oh thank fudge! Seraphina ditched me so I thought I was doomed to be alone for the rest of the night!"

The fire starter gives her a toothy grin, seeming more laid back that usual. Hands in pockets he nods towards where she assumed the others to be.

"Come on, there's someone we'd like you to meet."

He begins to walk away, and she rushes to catch up with him, tripping in the process.

Her eyes clamp shut as she braces for an impact that doesn't come. Instead, she's enveloped in warmth. Opening her eyes in confusion, she sees an amused Yoongi holding her upright.

"I'm impressed." She flushes. "I can't believe you lasted this long."

She rolls her eyes, she stands up straight and brushes herself off. She prepares to retort, but is cut off by a high-pitched shriek.

One of the servants, eyes glowing an ice blue, is crouched in the middle of the ballroom with his fangs bared. Blood drips from the claws on his hands, a low-level aristocrat lying- unmoving- at his feet.

But his eyes were firmly fixed on the purebloods.

The attacker leaps for Jimin, none of the Seven seeming overly worried. Alyssia lets out a scream, and just as she does the life drains from the man's eyes, his body slumps, and he falls to the floor. Motionless.

"H-he j-just..."

She looks between the boys in horror. Jimin, offering an explanation, is the first to speak.

"My secondary ability,

"Is life itself."


Dedicated to: Queen70Mercury
For all your support.
Thank you.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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