Two | Castle of Glass

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- Chapter Two -
Castle of Glass


If you face the light, a shadow will always be behind you.

- Sukant Ratnakar -


"So you're saying I have to live with you."


"In your castle."


"With you."

"Aish, didn't I just say that?" Hobi rolls his eyes. There's no malice behind it though, and in a way it kind of reminds Alyssia of a puppy.

"Please tell me the others have their own place to go."


"Ugh." She drops her head into her hands. The cell she was in was damp, cold, and filthy, but even so she contemplates on asking to stay there. The alternative is living with seven pure-blooded vampires after all.

She sighs.

"You know what? Fine." She says. "But I am not being your midnight snack."

Hobi chuckles at this.

"You don't need to worry about us. We very rarely take blood directly from the source." There's a pause. "The staff on the other hand..."


"I'm glad you've decided to join us." The soft voice from before greets Alyssia as she walks, slack-jawed, into the reception room. It takes a moment for her to snap out of her trance before she can form a coherent sentence.

"Y-yeah. Jin, wasn't it?"

Jin chuckles in reply, nodding and smiling warmly. His turquoise eyes glint merrily, although they weren't as nearly as bright as the day before.

"I assume you like the palace so far." He gestures to the room, drawing her attention back to the golden-trimmed walls. The colour scheme was a warm red and gold, not like the cold stone tomb she would have imagined.

"Very much so. Hobi has been giving me a tour, though I'll probably end up getting lost anyway." She pauses at the pair's shocked looks. "D-Did I say something wrong?"

"N-Not at all my dear." Jin says. "It's just that Hobi is a nickname."

She turns to the other, wide-eyed, before rushing into a bow.

"I am so sorry! I had just heard someone call you that yesterday and I-" Her rambling is cut off as a finger meets her chin. Hobi's touch was cold, but not uncomfortable as he gently guides her from her bow.

He dips his head slightly, his breath as equally cold on her now flushed face.

"It's quite alright." He smirks slightly as he leans in closer. "My dear."

She's slammed out of her trance with those words. He was making fun of her!


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