Chapter 22

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"Oh my God..." I moan against my hand when Harry pushes himself inside me once more without warning.

Thankfully his roommate had gone home for the weekend which meant that Harry and I had his room all for ourselves. I had to sneak inside because women are not allowed to spend the night here, but no one knew that I had hidden inside his room earlier this evening while I waited for him to finish his training.

As much as I wanted to go out in the city with Harry, there was nothing better than spending the night with him. Especially now that I knew that we had a little over a week left together.

Charlie had met with me earlier this morning during my shift to tell me that we had been assigned a mission. We were going to be sent to Tunisia, where we would work alongside the ally forces to help the wounded recover because they were running short in soldiers. Part of me was thrilled with this news, but another part of me did not want to go away from Harry, especially now that we were having such a great time together.

How was I supposed to simply leave when my heart stayed behind with Harry? It was so unfair.

In the hospital, they gave me three days off before my departure so I could prepare everything I needed, and I planned on spending every second of those days with Harry.

But tonight, we were simply sharing our love, something we have been doing more often than I had ever expected. Harry was such a great lover, and I found myself dreaming about having him throughout my day, which was wrong on so many levels. Sometimes I was simply taking care of a patient and these dirty thoughts were running in my mind, making me so embarrassed.

It is now already past midnight and we should be sleeping, but we cannot take our hands out of each other's bodies, it is too addictive.

"I love you, my darling." Harry moans against my lips and I keep my eyes open just to see him. He has his eyes closed, his bottom lip is between his teeth, and he has several drops of sweat falling down his forehead. His curly hair is glued to his skin, but he never looked more handsome.

The now familiar feeling on the bottom of my stomach begins to grow and Harry has to connect our lips to stop me from moaning too loud. We cannot risk having others hear what is going on inside his room, but it is hard to remain quiet.

I hit my climax before him, and it is hard for me to hold my body onto the mattress due to the overwhelming pleasure he is making me feel. When I begin to climb down from my high, Harry hits his, and as he has done before, he releases himself all over my stomach.

At first, I did not understand why he did it, but a few days ago I asked Martha and she explained to me everything. It took me a long time to gain the courage to ask her about this, but Martha is such a good friend, she explained it to me and I didn't even get embarrassed. There was still so much I did not know about the art of making love. I only hope Harry enjoys being with me as much as I enjoy being with him. 

Harry's bed is too narrow for both of us, but in some strange way, he manages to lay down next to me, visibly exhausted. This is the second time tonight we have done this, and even I was tired, but I didn't want to go to sleep and waste the precious time I had with Harry.

He picks up a clean towel from his bedside table and uses it to clean the mess he made in my stomach, while his lips trace small kisses all over my neck at the same time distracting me. I never thought that I would feel comfortable next to a man doing things like this, but Harry makes me feel so safe. There is nothing I fear next to him.

I still haven't told him that I'm leaving in a little over a week, and I did not know how to begin that conversation. We both knew this day would come someday, but I don't think anything prepared us for the reality. But I think now it is the right moment to tell him, there is no point in hiding it for longer.

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