Week Two & Our First Day Off!

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Jerrica's POV

Walking into the set feeling ready for the day, we were excited to start on episode two. Knowing today would just be the dialogue and restful scenes, everyone was excited to work with the dance and voice instructors both after and between shooting.

Mealla and I spent a lot of time working with the instructors as Chieri is mostly in the later part of the episode, and Mealla isn't in it at all. Though we did enjoy seeing our friends doing really good takes!

At some point, I nudged Mealla to point out a guy standing off to the side writing notes and occasionally recording bits. We're super confused as to who he is, as he'd been there the previous week as well.

"Jerrica, go get touched up it's almost time for some of your scenes." One of the techs called.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled.

"You don't have to call me ma'am." She chuckled.

"It's just kind of how I was raised. Its a respect thing."

"Oh, okay thank you."

Mealla, Britney, and Kenya seemed to have fun between their practice time. I'm more than a little thankful we don't have any divas or assholes in the cast. Or at least not that I'm was aware of yet.

The scenes I'm doing today are talking to my kirara, bumping into the others, telling 'Nagisa' that she should turn me in, and half the scene where I'm under the fallen light. The other half qualifying as action.

Running into Fainche's shoulder four times in a row before the scene was accepted was super weird, but thankfully she finds it funny which is why it took more than one take.

Doing the one on one with Denna was a good preparation for the future, since our characters are the main focus most of the show. She's such a sweet person, so I'm happy to work with her!

When we get to the scene where I'm stuck under a fallen light, that prop was a very light styrofoam type material which was a big relief. The scene took a dozen takes, because for some reason the material kept tickling me causing me to squirm randomly. It took a LOT not to squirm when we finally got it done right, but I managed.

When we went into voice lessons, Mealla informed me that the guy who'd been taking notes had asked the dance instructor if he could do closer video clips. She got really caught up on how his voice sounded super familiar, but let me know he's apparently doing a mini-documentary.


The rest of the week flew by with all the action scenes required of the second and third episode, leading up to our first day off.

Most everyone spent a lot of the day just sleeping and doing more mindless tasks like listening to books or watching videos. About halfway through the day Mealla, Fainche, Stevan, Enrique and I all decided to go grocery shopping for the next two weeks.

We had invited Denna and Micah, but they had gone for groceries a day or two earlier. The trip was chill, and we even came across some of the helpers from set!

We casually talk with them, asking about what their side of the job is like as we finish up our shopping. One of them even invited us to watch some of the rough cuts done from the scenes with child actors, with them! Apparently they were studying under the director, and he wanted to help them see everything he does.

They got permission while we were checking out, and went with us to put our groceries away before going off to see the footage.

We knew not to expect the green screen effects to be done yet, but we were excited to see how things would be organize!

The clips we saw were from the Tundrastar successor concert, and it was absolutely wonderful! The cuts matched up perfectly with the cuts in the anime! Even without the effects added in it looks amazing, and everyone was happy to thank the director and our new friends for allowing us to come.

I can't wait to see how everything comes out!

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