Season One, Wrapped

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Third Person POV

Just over three months of shooting, and a few visits from friends and husbands later, season one of the show had been wrapped up. The cast happily traveling home for a two month break before coming back to start shooting season two.

It felt weird for most of them, being back at home for a couple months after having gotten into such a consistent routine while away. Nearly all of them still woke up at the same time every morning, still rehearsed the routines and songs for the next season every day. Without having to ask, they knew they weren't the only ones either.

Many of them spoke over video calls or texts while home, talking about how they were excited for the extra scenes they had gotten to add in. How there was a new montage of them learning how to use the LAS, and going to a school on Akibastar to teach them a song.

Knowing that by the time they went back to finish the show, a good chunk of season one would be ready and edited for viewing. They wondered to each other weather they would get to see any of it before it would air, half way through the recording of season two.

Mealla, Jerrica, and Enrique still excitedly and curiously talking about the man who's voice sounded so familiar. Making guesses as to where they'd heard him before. Maybe voice acting? Maybe an internet entertainer they hadn't remembered the face of? Who knows.

Either way, maintaining communication helped them readjust to being away from each other. Thankfully, everyone was able to settle in at home and enjoy the rest and company of family and sleeping in their own beds.

As they relaxed at home, the fans of the anime and the idol group continued to grow more vocal online. Excited to discuss the cast of the remake and how they do or do not properly fit their roles. Some of them even spreading rumors of a sister group coming up in America, and this being how they begin. Mostly though, they were happy to have new people to fawn over.

It was a bit strange for them to suddenly have to re-vamp their privacy settings on their social media, as they had suddenly started gaining a few thousand followers on anything public. While this wasn't an issue for people like Enrique who have little to no online presence, it was much more difficult for those like Jerrica.

Mealla spent her time at home giving her cats and dog attention, spending time with her husband, and catching up on her writing as well as her favorite YouTubers. Getting some much needed rest, and enjoying having time to do the things she enjoyed without worry about a schedule.

Fainche spent her time doing some internships with a beach cleanup team, who could later help her into any field she desired when she was ready. The opportunity was exciting and fun for her. She was thankful to have resting time to spend at home and with her family and dog, between the internship.

Jerrica spent her time at home spending time with her husband, her dog, and some family who had come to visit and ask about what the set was like. While she still exercised every day, she rested plenty between her hobbies.

Enrique spent his time away, working on setting up an online store for his blacksmiths business. He was happy that he didn't have to worry about it dying out, as it's new and not yet well known. He enjoyed resting and playing with his dog, and practicing for season two while getting the website ready to be published once the show was finished. And since he has very few scenes left to do, he wouldn't have to wait long so he wanted to spend this time perfecting it. He was more than a little grateful for the help he was getting in setting it up correctly.

Steven even joined in Enrique's adventures, having an interest in blacksmith work as well. After how much the two of them had bonded, they had come to an agreement that they would work together. Steven would be supporting the business side, as Enrique held up the crafting side. So Steven's time at home was spent much the same way Enrique's was.

Micah and Denna, having been roommates even before the auditions, spent their time together back home. They relaxed together, allowing themselves to rest and recover from the constant business of the set. Happily catching up on their shows, and books.

When the two months was over, with as much as everyone enjoyed their time at home, they we're extremely excited to see each other again! Not only we're they happy to return to the excitement and fun of the show, but they we're also very excited to see how everything turns out.

Even though it can be exhausting sometimes, everyone absolutely loved this journey they're taking together.

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