First Team Audition!

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Third Person POV

The team of 16, woke up bright and early the day of audition ready to show their hard work! All week they had practiced until sundown, while they spent their relaxing time before bed looking through the rehearsal clips added randomly to the information cards of everyone participating. Even their team had a few clips! They couldn't wait to see everyone audition, and to audition themselves!

The team had a short breakfast together, and with a few other friends like Enrique and Steven. Not long after reaching the audition building, the team changed into matching colored dance clothes to try and look more like a team! The auditions would go in the same order as when they were giving their positions, allowing them more time to warm up and practice.

Going over all the parts any of them hadn't felt as confident about, they were called in with two other groups! The group before and after them all filed in together, and were asked to sit on the side as the first group took the free space in front of the judges.

With nervous energy coursing through them, they listened to the first group introduce themselves for the judges. They noticed most groups tried matching style of dance clothes rather than color, so the team hopped they would still be able to stand out. Once the judges finished organizing their papers, they motioned for the music to start.

The song was a little louder than expected, but the group managed not to flinch before getting into the routine. Jerrica, Mealla, and Fainche occasionally nudging one another when someone caught their attention with a strong transition or big smile.

Half way through the song, they noticed some of the group losing their expressions or not maintaining strong formation as they got tired. While they were rooting for them, they also took note of what to be careful of when it was their turn.

On the very last chorus one of the dancers in the back full on tripped over her friend, nearly falling onto the floor! The sitting groups had to try not to gasp in concern, trying not to draw the judges attention to her though one of them very obviously noticed. The girl did continue dancing without dropping her face, which is the best thing she could do in that situation. Jerrica hopped dearly that the judges would appreciate her not stopping or giving up.

Once the song ended, and the judges motioned for them to stand back into a line. After a minute of them writing down notes, they point to a few of the dancers telling them their short comings with their energy and expressions. Some of them, sadly, talked back which is a terrible and disrespectful response. They ignore them to continue giving constructive criticism about not getting sloppy when tired, before looking to the girl who'd fallen.

"Denna correct?" The judge asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"The rest of you could take notes from Denna, even when she was tripped by the person next to her not keeping position, she maintained a smile and kept dancing. She didn't stop or cry or look frustrated, she just kept going as a good performer does."

The relief of the girl, and of the teams still sitting down was palpable. Though the immature members of her own team, were less than enthused. The group was excused shortly after, when the next team was called up. Standing in a line, each of them introduce themselves. Jerrica and Mealla talking louder than intended out of nervousness.

After introductions and taking formation the song began! Jerrica was happy they would work with voice instructors to learn how to properly sing while dancing if they made it through, because she was not good at it!

Moving through the song, they changed formation well and kept up energy much better than they had thought they would, leaving them feeling proud once the song ended. The comments they got were mostly about fully synchronized movement with their group, which they gladly accepted. They were then given praise over their performance skills, and expressions in general which made them very happy!

Once the third group finished their audition, and they got their notes everyone was escorted to the next room. Something they hadn't been told before, was that they would be rating their teammates! Almost like those high school and college group project papers, some schools use. A few of them were worried for the girl in the first group, but proceeded to finish their papers.

Of course the whole group rates each other positively, as their group got along really well! As a group, they decided to go out to eat to celebrate a good group audition regardless of making it or not.

Fainche noticed the girl from the first group on her phone in the corner, as her team talked a few feet away. Nudging Jerrica and Mealla, she motioned for them to go check on the girl that was clearly being left out.

The three of them asked if they could invite her, to which the rest of the team gladly accepted. In order to not overwhelm her, the three went off to invite her on their own.

"Hey! My name is Fainche, and this is Mealla and Jerrica. We we're in the group after you." She smiled.

"Oh, hello! My name's Denna, you guys did great by the way." She smiled.

"Thanks! We loved your performance too, everyone was super excited for you when the judge praised you for not giving up when you were tripped." Jerrica responded.

"Thanks, I was too. I was so nervous that it would get me eliminated." She chuckled.

"You really did great! I'd have gotten mad about being tripped." Mealla said.

After talking for another minute, Mella smiled and invited Denna to go out and eat with their team. She was happy to accept after being sure the whole group was okay with it, and the group went off to eat after finding Enrique and Steven.

Having fun talking about their auditions, and listening to the guys excitedly share their side of the auditions they had a good night together.  Knowing the results would be announced in the morning, everyone said their good nights before heading to get some rest.

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