Round Two!

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Jerrica's POV

Two weeks after sending in our auditions, I wake up on my day off to my phone buzzing loudly. Sleepily I pickup my phone to see Enrique calling. Confused, I sit up to answer.


"Jerrica!! Check your email, check it now! Check it check it check it check it check it!" Enrique rambled excitedly.

"Okay, okay! Give me a sec!"

Yawning, I put him on speaker before moving over to my email. A few normal spams scroll by when I finally see it, an email from Netflix! My gasp causing Enrique to ask what result I got.

"Hold on I gotta read it!" I laughed nervously, and excitedly.

Opening the email, I quickly read through my audition response when my eyes freeze over what I was looking for!

"CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING THE FIRST ROUND OF AUDITIONS!!!" I all but scream into the phone, causing Enrique to laugh and howl with joy and excitement!

Calming my dog down from the sudden shouting, we laugh together in excitement when he takes a minute to add Fainche to the call! After getting her on the phone, I add Mealla as well. To our delight all four of us made it through to the next round!

Together, we read through our instructions to make sure everyone understood the next round properly.

"So it's still a from home audition, but instead it's a song from 48 not used in the anime?" Mealla asked.

"It's probably to help with publicity for them outside of Asia and India, since that's where they're based. I feel like doing the auditions based in fan voting after the first few rounds is probably also publicity." I considered aloud.

"Makes sense. My second part is picking my first choice character, and performing at least half of their lines in both languages. I'm gonna have to study even harder this time!" He happily remarked.

"I'm so excited to learn a new song and dance! Do you guys have any ideas?" Fainche asked.

"Jerrica knows the most about them, so maybe we should let her give us some options to pick from?" Mealla suggested.

"Good idea!" Fainche responded.

"Oh, uh, sure! There's two or three I like and know enough to get started." I respond nervously.

"What are they? We can all figure out what we like best together!"

"Fair enough! We could try Flying Get, Excuses Maybe, or No Way Man. That last one though, is a bit harder so maybe I should think of another one." I mused.

Eventually, we listened to and watched all three of the songs and dances landing on 'Excuses Maybe' for our second audition! Enrique getting stuck between auditioning for Papa Cook and Ushiyama. It's funny seeing him caught between his sassy side and his supportive wholesome side.

Thankfully, because Enrique is his own boss and Fainche just graduated from college coming down to visit isn't a challenge! I can't wait to practice together again!


Finally everyone is here! We spent a few days beforehand trying to learn together over video call, but having most of us together is gonna be super fun! Even Enrique is dancing with us just for the fun of it.

Because the song is my absolute favorite outside of what's used in the anime, I had a bit of a head start but it made helping them learn much easier as well.

We didn't have as much time to submit, so we practiced long and hard! Only taking breaks to eat Eraitt's delicious food and to rest our tired bodies and minds.

Thankfully, we managed to get our auditions in two days before closing! And according to the website, once the third auditions go through we'll get to see edited clips of all the people who've made it through so far!

This is the most excited I've been about anything since my wedding day! And if we make it past this round, the waiting time reduces a ton!

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