Phase three, let's go!

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Third Person POV

Much like the first time, the group of friends became ecstatic upon learning they all passed the second audition. As they had grown even closer as friends over the span of the audition so far, they were more than excited to keep moving forward together.

The final at home audition information loaded into the website, titled 'Look The Part' on the instructions page. Happily, they discuss how to find the proper clothes while also trying to somewhat match.

"There's a really good costume and performance store that just opened up down town, if you want to come up to see us this time!" Fainche suggested.

"Great idea! And I might be able to find something for mine too! Gotta look like a cook and a dance teacher, but I already have clothes that would work for the cook." Enrique agreed.

"I should be able to do that, all I have to do is ask for my days off to be put together." Jerrica responded.

"I actually have a pretty good idea for what I want to do, so mine probably won't match." Mealla said, confidently.

After about half an hour of planning and happy chatter, their plans were set! Jerrica's boss was very happy to take her request, as she put it in a few days before the new schedule. Five days later, Eraitt gave her a hug and kiss goodbye for her trip to Texas.

After spending some time with family, Jerrica left for the store with Fainche and Enrique. They spent a good hour looking at and trying on different combinations of tops and bottoms. Where as they usually aren't much for shopping, because it was for something they loved it was easier to have fun!

Eventually they found exactly what they wanted, and planned to practice in one or two times before the actual recording for the audition just in case.

Mealla's costume turned out just as cute and fitting, as the others! Their days of preparation spent working hard, and geeking out over the love of their costumes later, they finally got everything done.

The wait for their results somehow felt much longer, but a lot shorter than before. Something about making through to the in person auditions, made the entire thing a lot more real for them!

Either Netflix or 48, they weren't sure which, had secured travel group rates to help the people auditioning afford the travel. Both Jerrica and Mealla spend the few days leading up to leaving with their husbands, after getting leave permission from their jobs.

They could hardly wait to meet everyone else!

Netflix and AKB48 Collaboration!?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon