The man behind the bars scowls towards his son
"So you came to just torture me! By speaking to me about all this, is that right!?"
Army let's out a small hum and continues.
"Well. You tortured me for...most my life, so I'd say it's a far cut! But that's all, so I best be on my way, I don't want to miss my wedding." Army makes his leave and exits the room. Where his father will rot in jail for many years to come.
"Wedding!? WHAT WEDDING!? ARMY!?"

🎶 How can I forget you
When memories come and go
You're all I've ever wanted
You're all I've ever known
Can I be happy
Living with your ghost🎶

The soft calming melody plays as two inkling make their way down towards the sand part of the beach while their friends sits in the crowd watching them.
Army steps up on the small panel first then takes Alohas hand. The two stand facing one another as the priest says all that good stuff that bonds people together.
"Army do you wish to marry Aloha as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health?"
"I Do"
Army proudly speaks with a bright smile
"And Aloha, do you wish to take Army as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health?"
"I Do"
Aloha also smiles
"Rings please"
The priest speaks
[ I honestly forgot what part goes first ]
"You may speak your vows to one another"

"Aloha, when we first met you were this energetic party animal that always teased me for things, but as the years went on I got to be on a team with you, I've grown to like you more and more. I'm Glad you came to me on that day when you needed help with your battle tactics, because if I didn't have you in my life I think I'd still be a prisoner in my own skin, but I'm happy Your here with me today and hopefully forever together in our future"

"Army, not going to lie I love teasing you because you would always scrunched up your nose a little when I did so, and that's only a small part about what I love about you. You make my world so much more bright and happy, I'm thankful for you saying yes all those months ago, I love you, and I'll always be here for you when you need me to be. I'm surprised you kept up with me all these years!"

Army sighs out and holds Alohas hands tighter
"I'm not. I'll keep up with you for more years to come"

"Shit I think I'm going to cry..."
Gloves hides his face
"It's okay to cry it's beautiful"
Headphones smiles.The rest do as well as the ceremony continues on
"Place the rings on each other's fingers"
Aloha takes Army's hand and places the ring on his finger. In a quick moment Aloha has a flashback to when he gave Army his first ring.
It's now the orange inklings turn. Army takes hold of Alohas hand and places the ring on his finger, Army has a small thought about what this means.
{Now, this resembles that Aloha and I are together}

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you two husband and husband. You may kiss one another"
Aloha leans in fast with excitement and pulls Army in for a deep passionate kiss.
The people Army and Aloha know cheers extremely loud as they stand in their chairs.
"You Go!!! You Two!!"
Goggles yells out
The two inklings blush embarrassed at their friends by how they're acting. The two hold hands and walk down the lane, as the music begins to play once more.

🎶I can start it over
And find somebody new
A beautiful distraction
Just a hand to hold on to
But if you ask me
Would that love be true?🎶

The new happy couple make their way Into the open ball room as well as the others who were invited
Aloha holds onto Army's hand and pulls him onto the dance floor, Army willing follows and takes hold of Aloha.
"I forgot how many dances we've done, but this ones special~"
"You got a song in mind?"
"If you don't mind a little up beat kind~"
Army allows this and let's Aloha pick the song.
A group forms around the two and starts to watch them as they know that their going to dance with one another.

🎶Oh I've seen trouble more than any man should bare
But I've seen enough joy, I've had more than my share
I'm still not done, I'm only halfway there
I'm a million miles ahead of where I'm from
But I still have another million miles to go🎶

Aloha and Army dance together without no pattern really, the two are just in the moment feeling the beat that they hear.
The rest just clap along and some even record the two. They jump and spin each other around laughing like theirs no tomorrow.
Once their song ends and everything is about to wrap up all that's left is the toss of the band and flowers That's a tradition to tell who's getting married next.

The two inklings yell back at all the signal squids, males and females.
"Here it comes!~"
Aloha speaks and him and Army toss at the same time. Army's band hits Headphones while Alohas hibiscus flowers hit Skull. The two get confused, then it hits them.
"No, No, No..."

The others chuckle while Aloha and Army are making there way over to the two squids who caught the items.
"Calm down, you two aren't going to marry each other, it just means you'll find someone and you two are going to be the next ones to marry."
Army clears up the whole thing
They both say at the same time and look down at their items that sit in their hands. Headphones looks over the band and can only think of one special person, she shyly takes a glance at N-pacer. She smiles and turns away not wanting anyone seeing her stare. Skull holds the flowers and thinks of one person and looks over at Vintage.

"My, my these two already have somebody in mind~" Aloha smiles mocking the two because he saw their glances
Once again harmonized. They all move on to dance around as well as sing and clap. Headphones went over to talk to N-pacer and the rest while Skull makes his way over to Vintage and hands him the flowers he caught, with blush on his cheeks.

At the end of the ceremony Aloha and Army make their way into the room to dress in something else so they can leave for their honeymoon.
One finished the group make their way out to see the limo that waits for the newly weds. Aloha and Army step inside and wave bye to their friends as they now head off to the air port to fly somewhere new.

"It's perfect here!~"
Aloha steps inside the big house and spins around
"It really is."
Army sets down the bags and starts to look around the house. Aloha glances over at Army and got his loving idea, the pink squid takes hold of Army's hand and drags him to the bedroom. Once in the beautiful room, Aloha pushes Army on the bed and climbs on top of him slowly giving him love bites up and down his husbands neck. The two steam up their kisses and start to undress one another as moans fill the room.

Army pulls away breathing in and out heavily looking up at his husband, then reaches up to cup his face.
"...I love you Aloha.."
Army gasps for air with his blush dusted on his cheeks. Aloha stares down at Army and smiles kindly.
"I love you too Army~"
Aloha leans down and kisses him once more.
The two have their lives ahead of them with new experiences heading their way. The two bought a house together at age twenty-two and even adopted a kid at age twenty-five. The two have always loved one another and they don't plan on letting each other go. Love is love and this is their new life. They'll be together forever.

Song Info:
Only You by: Matthew Perryman Jones
Trouble by: Avicii
-go into Random to see what the rings looked like...
I also hope you liked and enjoyed this story, more to read soon!

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