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"What are you doing?" I ask Bode as he tapes something to his light sword. "I'm making a weapon with the Matchstick key" he responds, Bode runs to the hall and shouts "Come and get me shadow monsters!".

Shadows appear and the lights fall out. "Uh-oh" Bode mutters, "Fuse box" Tyler suggests. "It's in the basement" Kinsey responds, she turns around and grabs two flashlights. "I'll turn the lights back on, you guys distract dodge" she says throwing a flashlight at me.

"Nuh-uh, I'm coming with you!" I tell her, she shoots me a quick smile and I turn around to face Tyler. "Take care of Bode for me" I say to him, he nods his head and gives me a short hug.

Kinsey and I run over to the basement, we walk down the stairs next to each other when suddenly at one of the first steps both of our feet get grabbed. We both fall down the stairs and I hit my just recovered arm against one of the steps of the stairs. I lose grip on my flashlight and it flies across the basement.

As I lay on the ground Kinsey falls right on top of me, which causes me to hit my head hard on the floor. I push Kinsey off of me and look at her, she is passed out. I shake her lightly and she groans, when she still doesn't open her eyes I slap her right across the face.

She opens her eyes gasping for air, we look at our flashlights and start crawling over to them. We almost reached one of them but we are both yanked back, just as we are about to grab it. We both let out a high pitched scream.

We sit up and look at each other in fear, I hear something behind me so I slowly turn around. Suddenly Kinsey is grabbed by the leg and dragged to the other side of the room.

As I am about to stand up, I am jerked up by my hair. I scream as I'm floating in the middle of the room, I see a shadow nearing me and when it is by my face, it raises it's sharp claw. I close my eyes getting ready for the claw against my face.

But instead my hair is released and I fall to the ground, I open my eyes and see Kinsey with a match in her hand. As the shadows approach us again we run over to our flashlights and shine them on the shadows.

They disappear.

Kinsey turns the lights back on, while I am sitting on the ground with a pounding head. She sits next to me and pulls me into her arms.

There is one tear rolling down my face, it's not because of pain. But because I'm glad we are still alive after all of this. She pulls me back up to my feet and helps me up the stairs, we walk into the hall I immediately sit down again.

I rest my face in my hands, Kinsey calls my name a few times but I just wave her off. "Guys? Come see this!" Kinsey yells.

"Jesus Kins, no need to shout!" I whisper yell at her, I look up and see Dodge laying on the ground. "Holy shit!" I mumble.

Tyler and Bode come running down the stairs, the moment they see her there eyes widen. "Did I kill her?" Bode asks, "After i stabbed her, her shadow melted downstairs" he explains. Kinsey kneels down next to Dodge and checks if she is still breathing.

"She is still breathing" she mutters, then Kinsey shakes her. Nothing. "Whatever you did, she's out cold" I tell Bode, they all look at me. It's the first time they notice me since Kinsey and I went to the basement.

"Where is the crown?" Bode asks, "I don't know, but first things first, is the Omega key still safe?" Tyler asks.

Bode rushes over to the closet that can fix broken things, and pulls out the Omega key. "Affirmative" Bode calls out.

We all sigh in relief, "What do we do with her now?" Tyler asks. "We can't kill her" Kinsey replies, "Why not? She's the reason why dad is gone" Bode says running over to us. "I mean, we literally can't kill her. Ellie said that echoes can't be killed by normal means" Kinsey says.

"Maybe we can put her back in the well house?" Tyler suggests, I shake my head. "We'll need the echo key for that, but Ellie has it" I tell him.

"What if we send her back to where she came from?" Kinsey says, I raise my eyebrows at her. "What are you talking about?" Tyler asks. "The black door!" Kinsey says stating the obvious. "We use the Omega key to open the black door and send her back"

"Kins" I sigh, "The last time that door was opened, dad's friend got possessed by a demon and he had to bludgeon him to death" Tyler continues for me.

"What happens if she wakes up?" Kinsey starts raising her voice, "If you have any better ideas, I'm all ears" she shouts. Tyler sighs looking at Dodge and back at Kinsey, and then at me. "Wait, so we're going to the sea caves?" Bode asks exited.

"No, you're not, we are" I say pointing at me, Kins and Ty. I then point at Bode and say, "You're staying here".

"Fine, but I'm going to check up on Rufus!" Bode says, "He and Ellie were supposed to come back with the crown. If Ellie is in trouble, he could be too".

"That's not a good idea!" Kinsey says, "Yeah, and staying home is?" I ask. "Rufus is my friend, and I don't care what you guys say, I'm going" Bode says packing his bag.

"Just don't do anything stupid" Tyler says, "Oh, and be careful!" I add. They all look at me again, "Are you okay? You're bleeding" Bode says pointing at my head. I lift up my hand and feel a sticky liquid on the place where I hit my head after falling down the stairs.

"Yeah, I am fine. I just fell down the stairs" I say looking at Kinsey, I see a red mark on her face. Tyler looks as well and asks, "You too?".

"Oh, no, oops, I did that" I tell them, Tyler and Bode look at me confused. "Well we both fell down the stairs, but Kinsey was passed out. So I woke her up" I tell them with a guilty tone in my voice.

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