I woke up without Kayleigh's photo in my hand.

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(A month later)

I can't lose the photo, I thought. I hurriedly rose from my bed and looked for the photo until granna told me to shower then eat breakfast right after. After I did what granna told me, I went to my room again, searching for the photo until there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah granna?"

"You have visitors. They're with me. Can they come in?"


The door then opened, "Hey Sebastian."

"Hey Ferdinand." I said, not bothering to look at Ferdinand and focused on looking for the photo. Until...

"Hi Sebastian."

The female voice made me stop and turned around. It was Stella.

"Hi Stella."

"I suppose you're looking for a photo right?"

My eyebrows etched in confusion, "How did you know?"

She then showed me the photo I was looking for and gave it to me, "Your granna gave it to me last night, she said that you hold it while you're sleeping quite often."

"I know it's Kayleigh dear when I saw it the first time." Granna said.

"Why didn't you tell the authorities granna?"

"Because I told her not to Sebastian." Stella said, "If the policemen know where she is and will go get her, it will make things worse. She'll kill herself earlier than her intended time."

"And by her looks on that photo, and the way you behave these past weeks, seems like you can stop her." Ferdinand added.

I then shook my head, "We're too late. I already lost her."


"She's dead. She killed herself. It's over."

"What if it's not yet over Sebastian?" She said as she gave me a paper. When I unfolded it, I was shocked with what I saw; Kayleigh's Suicide List.

"She's here?" I whispered.

"No." Stella replied, "But she had a copy of the list before she left. I took her copy because I knew all along what she's up to."

"But we completed the list. And it's been a month. She killed herse-"

"She had a month to decide if she kills herself or not Sebastian. And if she makes up her mind, that she'll kill herself, she'll wait for ten days before she does it."

"And why is that?"

"She kills herself on her birthday."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Stella's telling you this because there's two days left before her birthday mate." Ferdinand said, "She's telling you this because you can still stop her. Because... you love her. You love each other."

"Since you guys were nine." Stella said, "Please Sebastian. I love her as much as you do. We have to get her back. We have to stop her."

"She kills herself in Indies." I said, "Indies takes two days of travel." I suddenly gasped by the hope given to me. I then looked at granna and smiled as I hugged her.

"Granna, you taught me what love really is. I found love with Kayleigh and for the first time ever, it felt right. Now, she's doing something that would kill me if she did it. I have to go stop her. I'll bring Stella and Ferdinand with me. Is it okay granna?"

"Damn that's it." Ferdinand said as I giggled, "Welcome back mate." He then hugged me as I hugged back.

I looked at granna as she nodded and smiled.

Stella smiled, "Let's go to Indies." We all then went out of the house.


I turned to granna, "Yeah granna?"

"Here." She said as she handed me a blanket, "Don't want her to get cold on the trip. Good luck sweetie."

"Thanks granna." I smiled as I went in the car and Ferdinand turned the engine on and we left.

We're coming to get Kayleigh back.

The Suicide ListNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ