"What are you going to do here?"

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I asked as we arrived at the mall.

"You? What do you want to do here?"

"Wha- Why are we even here?"

"It's in my list."

"So, why-"

"But this is not for my benefit. It is for the benefit of my getaway driver."

I then pinched my nose bridge gently and bowed my head, wondering what the hell should I do here and why Kayleigh wanted me to have fun on the mall.

"So," Kayleigh asked after few minutes, "What are you going to do here?"

I then looked around for a few minutes until I saw a figure skating symbol in the second floor. I then grinned and pulled Kayleigh with me.

"Whoa." She laughed.

"We're going skating." I smiled.

"Wait what?" Kayleigh said in shock as I pulled her along.

"We're going skating. It's going to be fun, trust me."


"Come on." I said as I pulled her along until we arrived at the skating area. I then smiled as we arrived and gasped at the beautiful skating area unfolding before me. I then pulled Kayleigh again until we reached the area where we can wear our skating shoes. I then asked Kayleigh to sit and wear her shoes as I was trying to wear mine.

"You've been here before Kay?"

"Yes I did."

"You skated here?"

"No. I don't skate. I never skate."

I then looked at her who was already nervous. I then approached her and helped her wear her shoes. I then smiled, looking at her.

"Well, you're skating now."


"It'll be fine. Come on." I said as I pulled her to the skating rink. The moment our feet stepped on the ice, I carefully let go of Kayleigh, causing her to panic.

"Try skating slow." I shouted as she looked at me. She then skated in a slow manner, and she was great at it. Moments later, I was about to leave her in her space when she went off balance. Good thing I was there when she fell and I caught her on time. She then panicked.

"Sebastian," she cried, "I told you I can't skate. Get me out of here."

"But you have to skate Kayleigh."

"Why?" She asked angrily.

"Because it's obvious that you're afraid of skating."

"I lost my brother due to ice skating."

"Then isn't that all the more reason to skate? Kayleigh, listen to me:" I said as I tilted her chin up to look to me. And when her eyes were gazing along with mine, I held her waist to keep her steady, "You have to let go of the past. And the only way to do that is to skate."


"I'm here anyway." I said as I pulled her, "Come on."


I stopped and looked at her in the eyes, "Do you trust me?"


"Does Kayleigh Barrow trust me?"

She then bowed her head and I tilted her chin up again to look at me. I then saw tears rolling down her cheeks. It was obvious that she's being hesitant. I then smiled in assurance and wiped her tears away with my thumb while using my other arm to hold her waist.

"Hey." I whispered, "I once was scared of skating too. But it was trust that caused me to skate without fear. So, do you trust me?"

"I... yes." She whispered back, causing me to smile, "I trust you."

"Okay. Now hold my hand." I said and she did. I then pulled her gently along with me and we skated together. Sooner, Kayleigh is no longer afraid of skating. She started having fun and we began laughing together with our skating techniques and styles. When nighttime came, we decided to leave the mall.

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