I woke up cuddling Kayleigh under the sheets.

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Last night after the date, we decided to sleep with our date clothes on and just cuddle. But sometime at dawn, we did it again. Well, I can't help it when I love her so fucking much and she's just so fucking beautiful. As I woke up, I can't help but smile as I look forward to the life we may have together in Upstate County. I brushed her hair with my hand and held her naked body when...

"Good morning." I heard Kayleigh's morning voice.

I smiled then kissed her head, "Good morning." I kept brushing her hair.

"How was sleep?"

"The best by far. Were you awake the entire time?"

She giggled softly, "No. I woke up few minutes ago. M'just feeling your heartbeat." She then looked at me then kissed me.

I smiled, "You're so fucking beautiful."

She smiled back.

"I don't know what I did to have you in the end."


"I did things. Many wrong things. And you're the only thing that felt right."

She then blushed and looked down but I lifted her chin up to look at me, "Looking at you, I would rather die than not be with you. I love you Kay."

She smiled, "I love you too Sebastian."

Then she kissed me, her lips taking my life away. Now I can't live without her, like air, like a light at the end of the tunnel. I need her to survive. Otherwise, I'd be completely drowned, I'd forever be locked in darkness.

We were silent for a while until I smiled, "Want me to get you breakfast baby?"

She then got up and dressed up, "You know I can manage Sebastian."

I then got up and dressed as well, "Yeah. But the guys out there, they might see how hot you are."

She then laughed and approached me, with her arms around my neck again. I then held her waist and pulled her close, "They're not like you Sebastian." She whispered.

"I know." I smiled as she pecked me on the lips, "I love you."

We then pulled apart and held hands, "I love you too." She said as I left.

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