Chapter 1 ~ The Awakening

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   I'm just going to say it now.
   I absolutely love this story, though a lot of the stuff about the Gray Jedi is made up. I wanted to add drama and importance to the story, so I might have exaggerated (just a lil!)
    Either way though, I'm still hyped about this story and I hope y'all enjoy!

"I'll handle this!" Ahsoka shouted as she ran up to the rocky ledge, throwing herself to her knees so she could get a good luck at the girl that was gripping onto the ledge for dear life, "I got you!"

Using her connection to to Force, Ahsoka took hold of Steela's body and began to suspend her in mid air. The Togruta gritted her teeth, striving to find more energy within her to move the process along quicker.

The seconds passed like minutes as Ahsoka outreached her arm to the rebel, allowing her to take a firmer hold. With a breath of relief, Ahsoka managed to pull her up to the ground.

"Thank y..." Steela began to whisper, only to be cut off by a screaming Lux.

"Watch out!"

Ahsoka whipped her head around, but it was too late. A tank that had gone unnoticed by them shot at the Togruta. If she had seen it even a second earlier, she could've whipped out her lightsaber and blocked it. Instead, she groaned in agony as the blaster bolt tore through her chest.  The impact was so great that the Jedi was sent reeling back, flailing into the air.

"Ahhhh!" Ahsoka screamed in sheer terror as she realized that she was no longer on solid ground.

"Ahsoka! No!" She could hear Lux and some others call out, but her own fear drowned out the voices. Her thoughts were scrambled as she saw the ground rushing closer, so she did the only thing that came to mind.

Closing her eyes and trusting in the Force, Ahsoka relaxed her muscles and let her mind slip to the unseen powers. As she realized that she wasn't stopping, Ahsoka clutched to the Force desperately. However, due to the extreme pain that the blaster wound had inflicted on her, the best she managed to do was slow her fall.

Then, with one last flash of the blue sky above her, a sharp pain shot through her body as she presumably hit the ground and blacked out.


"Master Skywalker!" Lux cried out as he saw a blurry figure running towards him. He looked back down at the limp body that lay before him, clutching her hand between his as a glistening tear streaked down his face.

"What happened?" Anakin gasped as he saw Ahsoka laying in her own blood, "Who, who did this?"

"The Seps," Lux whispered, "they shot her off the cliff after she saved Steela and me."

"Obi-Wan!" Anakin suddenly shouted, causing another Jedi to come running from a recently-landed cruiser, "Get Ahsoka to some medics! She still has a slight pulse."

"Well where are you going, then?" Obi-Wan asked as he skidded to a halt before them.

"I have some matters to settle," Anakin growled, anger clearly written on his features.

"Anakin, it's not the Jedi way," Obi-Wan said as he reached his hand out to grab Anakin's wrist.

"Well then kriff the Jedi!" Anakin shouted, snatching his wrist away from his former master. His gaze softened as he added, "Just make sure you get Ahsoka to the doctors. I'll be back."

With that, Anakin dashed off to where the remaining droids were retreating.

"Well, let's get her to the transport. I'm afraid she doesn't have much time left. Can I trust you with her lightsabers, Lux?" Obi-Wan asked, grimacing as he picked up Ahsoka's blood-stained body.

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