°I nod my head feeling out of place. They're all built and really good looking and I'm here looking like a burnt potato with a chopstick body compared to


Derick: I'm sure you feel weird now, but you'll feel like family soon. Don't worry.


°They all laugh and Derick hits my back kinda hard making me feel more weird then I did before.°

~Time Skip~
~End Of School~

°I hear a familiar voice call out my name, just like before.°


Derick: Hey dude, I have a question.

Hobi: Whats up?

Derick: You going to Becca's party this Saturday?


°I pause and think.°

This is the second time I'm asked...I mean...dammit I can't let him sit there and wait, just answer...just answer. Just say no.


Hobi: uh, um yeah.




Derick: Sick dude. See you there!


°He hits my back again, but less hard. It felt more like an acknowledgment rather then a 'don't embarrass me' like last

°I walk out the school gates and head down the street. Then, I feel two arms go around my waist and hug me.°


Becca: Heyyyy! So...I just want to ask one more time...you sure you don't want to go to my party??

Hobi: I'll go, Becca. What time again?


°Her face lights up and she hands me her phone making me confused.°


Becca: Put your number in. I'll text you the time and place!


°I put in my number and hand her phone. She smiles at me and I watch as she puts the name "Hoseok the Hottie ❤️" making my cringe.°

Jealousy || Yandere Hoseok FFWhere stories live. Discover now